"Higher than ___" | What sayings are your favorite?

Boom laka-laka-laka, boom laka-laka-laka boom
laka-laka-laka, boom laka-laka-laka boom
laka-laka-laka, boom laka-laka-laka boom
laka-laka-laka, boom laka-laka-laka boom
laka-laka-laka, boom laka-laka-laka boom
laka-laka-laka, boom laka-laka-laka boom
laka-laka-laka, boom laka-laka-laka boom
laka-laka-laka, boom laka-laka-laka boom
'Higher than Richard Pryor'

remember him??

"I dipped my cookie in the milk and the shit blew up!" (freebasing incident)
Richard said in a stand up show " I relised I had a coke problem when I figured out it cost me $600 dollars a day just to get my dick hard"

Not in this clip but here is Richard if you have never heard his work.
Richard said in a stand up show " I relised I had a coke problem when I figured out it cost me $600 dollars a day just to get my dick hard"

Not in this clip but here is Richard if you have never heard his work.
I like where he said, "people will get out of your way when you are running down the street on fire." Making fun of yourself is a comics job.