Highest you have ever been


Well-Known Member
ohh yea,, the lace stories... i smoked some "weed" back in my starter days that made me feel like i could feel the blood flowing through my veins, and it was orgasmic... something was funny with that weed i think
thats not too abnormal actually...ive tried to count my skin cells before...i could feel each and every one of them


New Member
thats not too abnormal actually...ive tried to count my skin cells before...i could feel each and every one of them
i have never known weed to make me feel like that.. i always figured it was PCP... that shit is dirt cheap and easy to put in weed.. gives you that little extra


Well-Known Member
i had an out of the blue experience a couple months back. was smoking a bit with 2 mates, got up to go to the toilet and realised i was pretty damn high. As i was having my piss i went super light headed and the next thing i know im waking up on my mates toilet floor with my flies undone and a fat lip!

I walked back into the living room and they said it was the loudest bang they had ever heard. scared me a little but well funny!


Well-Known Member
This one time i got really fucked over. I had about 11 bowls, each of em sprinkled with some speed. This is no joke alright. And then I got so high that my mind was just blank. When i tried to think i could just see black in my mind. It felt like my head just turned into a black cloud. I threw my bong into a bush (it was a plastic one) and because i got so hungry i ran to mc donalds which is about 2km from where the party was. I just kept on running because it felt like i had endless energy. When i finally got to maccers i ordered some food and just enjoyed watching the people come into mc donalds. And then i remembered I threw out my bong but it was just like a plastic one, but not homemade either so it was a waste of money.



Well-Known Member
i remember me and 2 of my friends had 3 quarters of some dank and we rolled 3 blunts together (lenghtwise) with a quarter in each blunt we smoked it for like almost 3 hours i was sooo high i was like man im trippin i dont wanna hit the blunt again but as i was sayin it i was hiitin it after we finished it i was the highest ive been in my life right after we smoked it i just fell over on the couch and like passed out but i was still awake for like an hour i felt like i couldnt move or nothin i was blazed


Well-Known Member
The first time I got stoned my buddy and I smoked nearly a quarter sitting out in some abandoned tennis courts at night. I got so lit I couldn't walk. That has never happened to me since. I mean I would fall over like I was drunk... but without any of the sick feeling. It was like I the entire world was lit by one big strobe light, everything was in slow motion.


Active Member
Highest, it wasn't the first blaze sesh, it was the more recent. a buddy and i went to downtown and bought from a new guy. but the guy only sold in 1/8 and higher so we had to get a lot. we were read off the menu and we only wanted to spend a little cash so we went with the 50$ of Orange Kush. [the other cheaper stuff was sensai star] So after the deal we went back to a buddies house started lighting off the dat bowls and after one clear of a 16 oz water bottle full of milky smoke we got incredibly fucked, so we just figured Orange Kush is really dank shit. We then thought that we had got into some yay when my nose started bleeding without me even irritating it or ever doing yay. later we went back to my house to blaze more bowls, [i decided the high we had was worth the bloody nose]. so after our second sesh we sat outside for 2 hours looking at the clouds form the most awesome shapes possible including 2d and 3d images. later that night the girl called me up to apologize to tell me that she had sold us "cheese" and messed the deal up because she was only a runner and incredibly drunk. no apologies for cheese.


Well-Known Member
Woah dude, your clothes reeked? You smoked outside didnt you?
Yes but it was insurance more than anything. The last thing I want is my wife smelling it on me and getting killing my buzz. I think tonight I am going to smoke out and take her to see a girlie movie, about the only way I can watch them.


Well-Known Member
Yes but it was insurance more than anything. The last thing I want is my wife smelling it on me and getting killing my buzz. I think tonight I am going to smoke out and take her to see a girlie movie, about the only way I can watch them.

aw that sucks she wont smoke with you. but you are very sweet of takin her to the movies! :mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
I'm not into other drugs... Just the ganj. Did shrooms once, it was fun. But I just love it the weed too much! Getting an ounce this weekend... can't Wait!


New Member
This one time i got really fucked over. I had about 11 bowls, each of em sprinkled with some speed. This is no joke alright. And then I got so high that my mind was just blank. When i tried to think i could just see black in my mind. It felt like my head just turned into a black cloud. I threw my bong into a bush (it was a plastic one) and because i got so hungry i ran to mc donalds which is about 2km from where the party was. I just kept on running because it felt like i had endless energy. When i finally got to maccers i ordered some food and just enjoyed watching the people come into mc donalds. And then i remembered I threw out my bong but it was just like a plastic one, but not homemade either so it was a waste of money.

wait a second.. you were hungry after smoking 11 bowls of speed laced weed? ill tell you sure as shit i wouldnt be eating for awhile after smoking all that speed


Well-Known Member
Yeah, you totally didn't smoke speed, and besides the fact that thats not how you smoke speed and you just wasted alot of a good drugs, after 11 bowls the last place you'd step foot would be a fucking mcdonalds to scraf down a burger. You were just really high. Similar story. Sold my friends little brother a gram of kush. He's like 18, just kinda started smoking, smokes primarily mids and only once in a while. Well, then atleast, now hes a stoned out mothafucka hehe, but anyway we get back up where we were staying a couple hours away, start partying. She leans over and shows me a text message from him "I think this weed is laced" I roll my eyes "tell him he's just high. Its just good weed." "no seriously, Im seriously tripping out. This weeds laced" "Dude, you're just really high." "i don't know.." a half hour later he texts back "I'm really hungry" and then about forty minutes later "I'm going to bed". Yup, laced alright hahaha. I tease him about that all the time. I remember getting incredible weed in my early days and getting that blown but I never thought it was laced, I just thought it was bomb weed.


Well-Known Member
Yeah, you totally didn't smoke speed, and besides the fact that thats not how you smoke speed and you just wasted alot of a good drugs, after 11 bowls the last place you'd step foot would be a fucking mcdonalds to scraf down a burger. You were just really high. Similar story. Sold my friends little brother a gram of kush. He's like 18, just kinda started smoking, smokes primarily mids and only once in a while. Well, then atleast, now hes a stoned out mothafucka hehe, but anyway we get back up where we were staying a couple hours away, start partying. She leans over and shows me a text message from him "I think this weed is laced" I roll my eyes "tell him he's just high. Its just good weed." "no seriously, Im seriously tripping out. This weeds laced" "Dude, you're just really high." "i don't know.." a half hour later he texts back "I'm really hungry" and then about forty minutes later "I'm going to bed". Yup, laced alright hahaha. I tease him about that all the time. I remember getting incredible weed in my early days and getting that blown but I never thought it was laced, I just thought it was bomb weed.

hahaha that funny!
i used to date this asshole dealer (i dont know why... i was young) he was always such a dick to everyone! so when he would be goin out doin his deals all day, id stay at his house.... alone. so one day i found his stash. i never smoked back then... so i was like shit, lets try.... no ones around lol. so i smoked a little bowl of some goodie goodie. hhaha i thought i was trippin lol the fishtank he had would constantly filter water so it would pour back into the tank. i was so fucked up i thought the noise of the water dippin into the tank was someone knockin on the door. hahaa so id run to the door and no one was there. lol i was outta my mind. but in the end i fucked that prick over cuz he was cheatin on me. so i stole his weed and his money and he didnt do shit. lol cuz no one liked him to even care enough for what i did lol so his "friends" told him he was the one that fucked up


Active Member
i ate a quarter of mushies, 4 jelltabs, a hydrocodon, beer all day, smokin, and nitrous at langerado this year. felt like i was doing front flips off the ground during theivery corporation.


Well-Known Member
hahaha that funny!
i used to date this asshole dealer (i dont know why... i was young) he was always such a dick to everyone! so when he would be goin out doin his deals all day, id stay at his house.... alone. so one day i found his stash. i never smoked back then... so i was like shit, lets try.... no ones around lol. so i smoked a little bowl of some goodie goodie. hhaha i thought i was trippin lol the fishtank he had would constantly filter water so it would pour back into the tank. i was so fucked up i thought the noise of the water dippin into the tank was someone knockin on the door. hahaa so id run to the door and no one was there. lol i was outta my mind. but in the end i fucked that prick over cuz he was cheatin on me. so i stole his weed and his money and he didnt do shit. lol cuz no one liked him to even care enough for what i did lol so his "friends" told him he was the one that fucked up
Hey just made you sit at his house all day? That's pretty lame. The fish tank bit is funny, though, I can relate. Every time the air conditioning kicks on or someone flushes a toilet to miles away I think its people walking onto the porch. And in the shower I always think I hear my cellphone going off.


Well-Known Member
one time i was soooo high like ive never been before, i felt like i was on cloud nine and could nearly touch the stars

I was in a plane


Active Member
Got a couple for whoever is willing to read and laugh their asses off maybe...

1. An Ex-girlfriend her little brother , I ...and a third wheel were parked behind my house in the ally of the most ghetto neighborhood in the area , so were all smokin for a while and decide to leave because we were parked behind my paranoid grandpas garage and he always goes around at night searching his backyard/garage trying shoot thieves (we lived next to him) So my ex starts to pull out of the spot and were blazed so she cant get out right cause the ally is like 6 feet wide and were blocking the entire ally.... then the wind starts blowing this big brown tarp perfectly around the car and the third wheel says "Holy shit there's a BEAR going around the car!!!" So were looking around for it cause its being blown to different sides and the are windows foggy. And im like "Naw its that brindle pittbull behind my house!" (Were all scared shitless and paranoid anyway since we called it a bear already and we think were about to be shot and a pitt isnt much nicer in the ghetto) So were all like "Lock your doors , lock your doors" Then the tarp just blows into the head lights and at like 2am pretty loudly yell "THAT A FUCKIN TARP!!" - - Paranoia from my grandpa and the scream promptly got us out of there bongsmilie > :eyesmoke:>:shock:

2. Almost the same situation as up there^^^ but these two guys walk down the ally and like death stare us for some reason as they walk by and one guy had like this half Micheal Myers face mask thing on (everyone saw it ont just me) and like kept looking at the car as they walked along...so we pulled out of there AGAIN cause we had like $300 on me and 4 cell phones other stuff too probably dont remember, and they stoped and turned around and watched us leave and we stoped at the end of the ally and was all looking out the back window and this guy like threw his hands up in the air and made the motion with his wrists like he was shooting a basket ball but both hands were pointed to his left and right , I was like: "He wants to kill us or something I guess" Third Wheel says: "That must be his gang sign or something"....then they start running after us but we easily pull off not worried I said something like "If thats his gang sign he must be in the butterfly gang cause thats what he looked like" Then the car ws just a rage a laughter for like 10 minutes then I guess I RIPPED A BIG ASS FART and everyone starts askin me "Did you shit yourself?!?" I was so high I didnt knowso there like "Check you ass now!" So my hand goes to the crack and is pulled out and I guess I smelled it cause I couldnt see a "visual" ( I DIDNT SHIT THANK GOD) - Good Night


Well-Known Member
Got a couple for whoever is willing to read and laugh their asses off maybe...

1. An Ex-girlfriend her little brother , I ...and a third wheel were parked behind my house in the ally of the most ghetto neighborhood in the area , so were all smokin for a while and decide to leave because we were parked behind my paranoid grandpas garage and he always goes around at night searching his backyard/garage trying shoot thieves (we lived next to him) So my ex starts to pull out of the spot and were blazed so she cant get out right cause the ally is like 6 feet wide and were blocking the entire ally.... then the wind starts blowing this big brown tarp perfectly around the car and the third wheel says "Holy shit there's a BEAR going around the car!!!" So were looking around for it cause its being blown to different sides and the are windows foggy. And im like "Naw its that brindle pittbull behind my house!" (Were all scared shitless and paranoid anyway since we called it a bear already and we think were about to be shot and a pitt isnt much nicer in the ghetto) So were all like "Lock your doors , lock your doors" Then the tarp just blows into the head lights and at like 2am pretty loudly yell "THAT A FUCKIN TARP!!" - - Paranoia from my grandpa and the scream promptly got us out of there bongsmilie > :eyesmoke:>:shock:

2. Almost the same situation as up there^^^ but these two guys walk down the ally and like death stare us for some reason as they walk by and one guy had like this half Micheal Myers face mask thing on (everyone saw it ont just me) and like kept looking at the car as they walked along...so we pulled out of there AGAIN cause we had like $300 on me and 4 cell phones other stuff too probably dont remember, and they stoped and turned around and watched us leave and we stoped at the end of the ally and was all looking out the back window and this guy like threw his hands up in the air and made the motion with his wrists like he was shooting a basket ball but both hands were pointed to his left and right , I was like: "He wants to kill us or something I guess" Third Wheel says: "That must be his gang sign or something"....then they start running after us but we easily pull off not worried I said something like "If thats his gang sign he must be in the butterfly gang cause thats what he looked like" Then the car ws just a rage a laughter for like 10 minutes then I guess I RIPPED A BIG ASS FART and everyone starts askin me "Did you shit yourself?!?" I was so high I didnt knowso there like "Check you ass now!" So my hand goes to the crack and is pulled out and I guess I smelled it cause I couldnt see a "visual" ( I DIDNT SHIT THANK GOD) - Good Night

both of those are soooo funny! hahahahaha