You most probably won't, if i don't I'm suing themI just sent them an email asking how they had my personal information as well as a link to this thread. If I get a reply I'll post it.
You most probably won't, if i don't I'm suing themI just sent them an email asking how they had my personal information as well as a link to this thread. If I get a reply I'll post it. to.just for some perspective: i've never ordered seeds online, and i just searched all my emails, no seed spam.
yah, me as well.. i usually do peruse my spam folder right quick, and if i don't recognize anything, i just ignore them.. i guess i hadn't checked my spam in a few until i read this thread.. thanks to the op for the heads up though.. way to be on the ball..Luckily I've moved since I last ordered anything online and the card I used expired so none of it is really worth much, but I'd still like to know how this happened. If it wasn't for this thread I probably would have just cleaned out my spam folder and never seen it
I got the spam and the only Co. I've bought from is the is down, i tried to send them a link to this post but i received a postmaster failure notification. . .co incidents just keep on
Yeah this one worked for me too. . I still can't believe these guys from Attitude, exposing us like that, i just spoke with my lawyer, he told me that any rent, sharing or by any means unauthorized distribution of such delicate personal data between companies, or even businesses of the same business group, is prohibited by law and can very well result in a lawsuit. . Just in case someone feels acting like i willI tried the @attitude address and it got returned. If you email [FONT="][FONT="][FONT="] it doesn't come back.
A couple of my mates got it, they're in the uk.where are you all china,uk,usa,australia that got this mail i checked both my accounts an no email spam or inbox uk represent