New Member
I dont see why people even order from attitude that place is whack
Can we all at least agree that Attitude is the 'source' of this information leak? Not saying they let it happen intentionally, but for very many reasons, they are the 'source'.
good luck with an international lawsuit with what damages? What has this cost you?? People are so paranoid...ATTENTION MOST COMPANIES SELL YOUR INFORMATION TO EACH OTHER!!! IT IS NOT ILLEGAL!!! relax people it ethical ?? it illegal, no....the only recouse you would have is in their privacy statement...if it was violated then the most you have is a contractorial litigation action which in this case will not even cover the cost of filing it.......It isn't that big of a do you think all those spam messages you get got your address?
Not right no...but really no big deal either
Don't be naive. This is a very common practice.
Attitude sold our information for a little extra profit. Someone in Attitudes main office made a bad decision.
It's truly is that simple.
They will end up firing someone, publicly announcing it, apologize, people will soon forget and then its business as usual.
Seen it happen too many times to count.
You heard it here first.
I would also like to add, that yes, WOS will stop using Attitude as a distributor if they stop getting money from 1000's of us.
A seedbank you all dealt with probably got pinched by the DEA and rolled on all thier american customers if only americans recieved the emails.Anyone from across the pond get those emails?Same kinda shit went down when Marc Emery got popped.Everyone was blaming Emery for selling contact info and turned out it was leo.I'm sure none of you all were stupid enough to have your seeds mailed to your unsafe addy.There are some seedbanks with big balls and small brains that advertise GUARANTEED WORLDWIDE SHIPPING.
A seedbank you all dealt with probably got pinched by the DEA and rolled on all thier american customers if only americans recieved the emails.Anyone from across the pond get those emails?Same kinda shit went down when Marc Emery got popped.Everyone was blaming Emery for selling contact info and turned out it was leo.I'm sure none of you all were stupid enough to have your seeds mailed to your unsafe addy.There are some seedbanks with big balls and small brains that advertise GUARANTEED WORLDWIDE SHIPPING.
Wow you really like boyscouts. Looks like boyscout if you skim real fast. hehNobody was busted. If it was the DEA, people would be in prison, not getting offers from other seed banks. Either Attitude was hacked, our info was stolen, or they sold our info. Hacking wouldn't make sense either because it would be the stupidest thing a new seed company could do to get our business. Selling our info would also be stupid since we would all figure it out and stop using them. Stolen makes the most sense.
But this doesn't excuse them. When other companies had the same thing happen, they were sued. We can't sue, and nobody would anyway. But we CAN stop spendingour money there.
I will not be placing an order after all tomorrow, and if you have any balls and can stick by your convictions, you'll join me. Stop being the stupid lazy stoners that the world thinks you are and do something about this. Post it on every board, tell everyone you know that grows. DO NOT LET THEM GET AWAY WITH THIS. MY ORDER MISSING WON'T MEAN SHIT, ALL OF OUR ORDERS MISSING WILL STING THEM IN A WAY THAT THEY WILL NEVER FORGET.
If their information can be stoloen, they need to spend more money and time protecting their assets and IT systems. It's that simple. Otherwise, they can't be trusted. At this point, we have no idea of the extent of the damage . They're not a group of peace loving hippies, they're an international company that let it's lax security standards compromise people's very personal information. THEY HAVE YOUR CREDIT CARD NUMBERS PEOPLE!!! THEY HAVE OUR REAL NAMES! THEY HAVE SOME PEOPLE'S REAL ADDRESSES WHO ARE LEGAL TO GROW BUT ARE NOW COMPROMISED!
If this happened at Amazon, people would boycott. If this happened at Walmart, people would boycott. DO NOT LET THIS GO.
I believe this is only happening to people with RIU accounts and have attitude orders, they are working together
Not me, they violated my trust.
I am also going to send an email to World of Seeds and request that they do not go through Attitude anymore. I will be buyind directly from the breeders like WOS from now on.