Hilary vs Donald ?


Well-Known Member
Does anyone in the Republican Party stand a chance at Hillary ? I think trumps household name has him the front runner . But let's be honest he's not going to win right. You think any other republican will stand up to Hitlery Clinton ? Whose the Koch brothers pledging their 900million to ?


Well-Known Member
Trump will NOT be the Rep candidate.
The people who are attracted to Trump's ridiculousness are already on his boat. He will not win new supporters and will definitely lose some of those he has now. In the meantime the other 16? will start dropping out. As the number narrows down they will overtake Trump.

Yes I think there are Rep candidates (not Trump) that could win over Clinton. Clinton seems to be taking a dump in popularity lately. I think she has saturated the market with her name mentioned so much over the last 8 years, including losing the primaries to Obama.

I think Rubio would beat Hillary, as an example. Not sure if Rubio can win the Rep primary though.


Well-Known Member
Bernie Sanders? That would fuck the Colonel's mind. :lol:
Mine, too!

But seriously, what have you made with your 3D printer lately?
Making several things actually . Made a couple key chains several little figurines . I buy the prints online from various online shops and I'm taking courses to learn 3-D software


Well-Known Member
Making several things actually . Made a couple key chains several little figurines . I buy the prints online from various online shops and I'm taking courses to learn 3-D software
You should get either Blender or 3DS, both come with extremely comprehensive tutorials and instructions, completely free of charge.

They're also two of the most popular, so there's probably a plug-in to suit your printer for one or the other.


Well-Known Member
I watched Trump talk in Iowa, he had plenty of attention, and plenty of good advice and was applauded well and actually started to win people over and shut up people trying to stump the Trump. He ended his speech with ..."let`s take those kids up now for a chopper ride....thank you"...

I watched Hildabeast utter a few words, pass the mic, and waddled through the crowd with ten or twenty of the saddest butt kissers I ever saw, shake`n a hand here or there with no cries for her name being shouted out and the look of disappointment on her face. She ended her speech with a thank you and strut around.

Some Dick Sanatorium came up next knocking planned parenthood, and other shit with strain on his face begging for attention and bought and paid for remarks. I don`t know how he ended his speech cuz I changed the channel.

It`s that bad for everyone out there but Donald.......


Well-Known Member
I watched Trump talk in Iowa, he had plenty of attention, and plenty of good advice and was applauded well and actually started to win people over and shut up people trying to stump the Trump. He ended his speech with ..."let`s take those kids up now for a chopper ride....thank you"...

I watched Hildabeast utter a few words, pass the mic, and waddled through the crowd with ten or twenty of the saddest butt kissers I ever saw, shake`n a hand here or there with no cries for her name being shouted out and the look of disappointment on her face. She ended her speech with a thank you and strut around.

Some Dick Sanatorium came up next knocking planned parenthood, and other shit with strain on his face begging for attention and bought and paid for remarks. I don`t know how he ended his speech cuz I changed the channel.

It`s that bad for everyone out there but Donald.......
You've been Trumpnotized. Please seek help.


Well-Known Member
"They`re marching down the streets of Tehran shouting death to Israel and death to American,...What does America do ?,......give them a Nuclear bomb....WTF" ......... Donald Trump.......

"Hillary Clinton was the worst SEC/State ever, and Kerry is well on his way to beat that" ......Donald Trump......

"Putin can`t stand Obama" "The world laughs and taunts America",...... "Excellent job with foreign relations",....Donald Trump...

Not one Candidate has half a nut sack to admit that,.....


Well-Known Member
John Kerry....." We either go to war and destroy Iran`s nuclear Program now with an Air Campaign, or give them the tec. and a behavior program and hope they keep their promise not to use it when they get it."

What a mindless dumb fuck he is. Iran is still ,...right now, talking with Moscow, against this deal we are offering as we speak. So before it`s done they broke rule number one.

I will not be surprised if Iran scrubs this deal and get`s a Sponsor from Moscow.

That`s how ridiculously stupid John Kerry is.........


Well-Known Member
oh, you're kinda late to the game.

fox news was doing that retarded talking point a couple months ago. now it's all about the emails.

i think they've moved on from benghazi too. just be aware if you're gonna parrot fox news talking points, gotta stay current.
Its still true. She is like a bad joke...

What did she accomplish as secretary of state? Aside from "travel a million miles"