Hillary can't be trusted

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Well-Known Member
You may be right about others but I do hope you aren't trying to label me any of those things.

If you were, I'd have to ask what it is I've typed that makes you think this?
Are both sides not ignoring relevant information because it doesnt happen to support their bias?

I would suggest so.

It was based on observations, read the thread, now highlighted its hard to miss.
Doesn't actually make sense.

I've tried speaking to you in a civilised manner but clearly, you are in attack mode.

You are incorrect btw, and I'd be more than willing to tell you why I think this....if you weren't behaving like a childish prick

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Pssssst, hey -



Well-Known Member
There isn't one person ON THIS PLANET who can discredit my view that neither candidate is worthy of trust.

Now, fire all the insults you want at me.

That statement holds true, feel free to attack the messenger, not the message, like all politicians and media do when they are on dodgy ground


Well-Known Member
...As he asks me to explain the purpose of the memes, as if to suggest that the differences between candidates isn't painfully obvious....
Lou, I asked why they were relevant to the quotes you placed with them.

My quotes.

I do not support trump.

Clinton may not abuse women physically, but she'll certainly abuse them when in office


Well-Known Member
Sorry, I forgot to add that. Naive, pathetic coward

Tell me again how Trump and Clinton are the same. LOL
I'm so cowardly eh

Look at you lot, rounding on someone for saying what you don't agree with.

Hurling insults, patting each other on the back for them

I am here, by myself, speaking about what I believe.

I will allow any objective types reading this to judge who the cowards are


Well-Known Member
Hmmmmm, a lady that has no doubt engaged in some (potentially) 'questionable' things throughout the course of forty years in public service, or a well-documented liar, cheat, swindler, racist, misogynist, oligarch, rapist, demented sociopath -- TOUGH choice, for sure!

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