hillary clinton funded the sanders campaign

Bernie raised roughly 228 million, during the course of the primary and spent 222 million. That left him with 6 million, of which he spent most of that to send his delegates to convention. Where is all of this leftover money “that he kept it all too”?? Please enlighten me by breaking down where this huge stash of money is...

<baby's feeding time crickets>
Bernie raised roughly 228 million, during the course of the primary and spent 222 million. That left him with 6 million, of which he spent most of that to send his delegates to convention. Where is all of this leftover money “that he kept it all too”?? Please enlighten me by breaking down where this huge stash of money is...
Re-read my post (or read it the first time). Bernie kept the money and used it in his campaign. I never said he most corruptly used campaign money for personal gain.

He did leech off the DNC. This is one of the facts that emerged from discussing Brazile's most self aggrandizing fake news story. To cap it off, you guys now blame the Clinton campaign for keeping the DNC solvent.
As I said, you know that it's in her book

also Elizabeth Warren stated it on TV. HER VOICE. HER PHYSICAL PRESENCE,

you're holding on by your fingernails to have a shred of credibility

those who actually know and re not mind controlled or led by money, opportunity (much like Ashley Judd fucking H Weinstein for fame and fortune. Oh, and she's a HUGE liberal

she's gone from pocahontas to the fountain of credibility to right wing retards overnight.

pathetically transparent.
Re-read my post (or read it the first time). Bernie kept the money and used it in his campaign. I never said he most corruptly used campaign money for personal gain.

He did leech off the DNC. This is one of the facts that emerged from discussing Brazile's most self aggrandizing fake news story. To cap it off, you guys now blame the Clinton campaign for keeping the DNC solvent.

The Sanders camp knew from jump st that the Clinton campaign had taken over the DNC. Given that, would you seriously expect him to raise money for the DNC? He may as well have cut a check directly to the Clinton campaign!

I don’t know about you, but donating money to your opponent doesn’t sound like a winning strategy to me.
The Sanders camp knew from jump st that the Clinton campaign had taken over the DNC. Given that, would you seriously expect him to raise money for the DNC? He may as well have cut a check directly to the Clinton campaign!

I don’t know about you, but donating money to your opponent doesn’t sound like a winning strategy to me.
I'm not criticizing how he funded his campaign. I'm just calling him a leech for using resources with no intention of honoring the agreement to cooperatively raise money with the DNC. You guys sure do like your free stuff. I wish you wouldn't stuff paper towels in the toilet just before leaving.

As details emerge, what gave Brazile says gave her the heeby jeebies was the agreement the DNC cut with Clinton regarding how they would use the money her campaign gave them. Bernie could have cut the same agreement regarding how the DNC would use his money. The real problem was the financial situation at the DNC prior to the elections. This actually falls on Obama and whomever the DNC had in charge at the time. Given the situation it's perfectly reasonable that Clinton's campaign managers weren't willing to trust the "bad manager" Wasserman-Schultz with full control of their campaign's money.
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I'm not criticizing how he funded his campaign. I'm just calling him a leech for using resources with no intention of honoring the agreement to cooperatively raise money with the DNC. You guys sure do like your free stuff. I wish you wouldn't stuff paper towels in the toilet just before leaving.

As details emerge, what gave Brazile says gave her the heeby jeebies was the agreement the DNC cut with Clinton regarding how they would use the money her campaign gave them. Bernie could have cut the same agreement regarding how the DNC would use his money. The real problem was the financial situation at the DNC prior to the elections. This actually falls on Obama and whomever the DNC had in charge at the time. Given the situation it's perfectly reasonable that Clinton's campaign managers weren't willing to trust the "bad manager" Wasserman-Schultz with full control of their campaign's money.
There you have it, you're OK with the campaign you support cheating to win

"Bernie could have cheated, too. But he chose not to, so that's his own fault!"

The best part is that how you pretend this looks to you, the entire Democratic party outside establishment shills see it for exactly what it is. If you thought the party was split before, just wait until the 2018 election results and who emerges as the front runners in 2020
There you have it, you're OK with the campaign you support cheating to win

"Bernie could have cheated, too. But he chose not to, so that's his own fault!"

The best part is that how you pretend this looks to you, the entire Democratic party outside establishment shills see it for exactly what it is. If you thought the party was split before, just wait until the 2018 election results and who emerges as the front runners in 2020
Those are your words, not mine. Clinton's team made sure the money they gave the DNC wasn't wasted. Bernie leeched and didn't honor his agreements with the DNC to cooperatively raise money with them. You guys sure do love your free stuff.

What I still don't understand is why you say elections are irrelevant yet get so worked up about office finances for the campaigns.
There you have it, you're OK with the campaign you support cheating to win

"Bernie could have cheated, too. But he chose not to, so that's his own fault!"

The best part is that how you pretend this looks to you, the entire Democratic party outside establishment shills see it for exactly what it is. If you thought the party was split before, just wait until the 2018 election results and who emerges as the front runners in 2020
I might add that I'm pretty optimistic about 2018 and think the Justice Democrats who are listed on their site seem to be pretty good. As with Clinton, you have got me all wrong. Not that this kind of mistake is unusual for you.
You're quite possibly the stupidest person on RIU, you always seem to miss the point. St0wandgrow is claiming that the thread title "hillary clinton funded the sanders campaign" to be false. How hard is that to understand?
I have no dog in this fight.

I just need to point out one thing. "Stupidest" is not a word.

"Dumbest" is the word you are looking for. You could also use "most stupid".

If it ends in "id" you wouldn't use "er" or "est."
Those are your words, not mine. Clinton's team made sure the money they gave the DNC wasn't wasted.
The Clinton campaign took total control of the DNC, the organization responsible for running a free and fair election according to their own Charter and Bylaws. During the Democratic primary, Sanders supporters were telling you the Clinton camp and the DNC were colluding, and you outright denied it because you didn't anticipate the evidence being leaked by the interim head of the DNC. Now, you accept it because in light of the evidence, it's undeniable, and try to paint it as just business as usual, that if someone didn't know what was going on they're just naive. You knew it was wrong during the primary when we were calling it out, now you accept it because the candidate you supported did it. That's the definition of partisan hackery.
Bernie leeched and didn't honor his agreements with the DNC to cooperatively raise money with them. You guys sure do love your free stuff.
"Former Sanders campaign manager Jeff Weaver echoed Longabaugh's claims.

“We were not offered veto power on staff at the DNC, I can tell you that,” Weaver told the publication. “This was a laundering operation. They’d go to fundraisers, they’d get a $350,000 check from donors which was supposed to be divvied up. Instead of disbursing that money, they’d turn around and run a small-dollar fundraising to generate small contributions that went to the Clinton campaign.”

Sanders campaign officials: DNC offered us a raw deal compared to what Hillary got
The Clinton campaign took total control of the DNC, the organization responsible for running a free and fair election according to their own Charter and Bylaws. During the Democratic primary, Sanders supporters were telling you the Clinton camp and the DNC were colluding, and you outright denied it because you didn't anticipate the evidence being leaked by the interim head of the DNC. Now, you accept it because in light of the evidence, it's undeniable, and try to paint it as just business as usual, that if someone didn't know what was going on they're just naive. You knew it was wrong during the primary when we were calling it out, now you accept it because the candidate you supported did it. That's the definition of partisan hackery.

"Former Sanders campaign manager Jeff Weaver echoed Longabaugh's claims.

“We were not offered veto power on staff at the DNC, I can tell you that,” Weaver told the publication. “This was a laundering operation. They’d go to fundraisers, they’d get a $350,000 check from donors which was supposed to be divvied up. Instead of disbursing that money, they’d turn around and run a small-dollar fundraising to generate small contributions that went to the Clinton campaign.”

Sanders campaign officials: DNC offered us a raw deal compared to what Hillary got
Factually incorrect. You are taking Brazile's story literally. Go read more and read critically. Naive child.
The issue is that Clinton wanted veto power over hiring of staff, which is normal during the general election. She was seeking (and got) this during the primaries, which is NOT normal. This is all sourced from the DNC/Clinton campaign memo dated 26 Aug 15 that was recently reveled.
The issue is that Clinton wanted veto power over hiring of staff, which is normal during the general election. She was seeking (and got) this during the primaries, which is NOT normal. This is all sourced from the DNC/Clinton campaign memo dated 26 Aug 15 that was recently reveled.
Not normal, agreed. It's not normal for the DNC to need financing from a campaign's coffers either. Considering how badly the DNC was run, it's perfectly reasonable for the Clinton campaign to have control over how their money was being spent.

What effect did this have on the outcome of the primary? Unless the complaint is that this swung the election to Clinton, who won by 4 million votes and by a whopping large margin of elected delegates, then this is back office bs. It is an issue but a secondary one. It's irritating that it happened, it should not have happened, checks should be put in place to prevent it from happening going forward. I'll add that campaigns like Sanders should participate in funding the DNC if it uses DNC infrastructure and voter lists.
What effect did this have on the outcome of the primary?
My long time complaint was that there was a coronation of Clinton. Other candidates were not seriously considered. I can see how you might disagree with this if you are heavily vested in her, but it did a GREAT disservice to the party. I have always claimed she was unelectable due to her high negatives, and her general demeanor. I'm on the record from early in the primaries, and I was complaining then about the coronation. The right has crucified her for decades. I said we were foolish to run her, and I've been proven right. It was a totally avoidable error, and we will pay with the Trump administration for 4 years, and likely Pence for another 8.
The Clinton campaign took total control of the DNC, the organization responsible for running a free and fair election according to their own Charter and Bylaws. During the Democratic primary, Sanders supporters were telling you the Clinton camp and the DNC were colluding, and you outright denied it because you didn't anticipate the evidence being leaked by the interim head of the DNC. Now, you accept it because in light of the evidence, it's undeniable, and try to paint it as just business as usual, that if someone didn't know what was going on they're just naive. You knew it was wrong during the primary when we were calling it out, now you accept it because the candidate you supported did it. That's the definition of partisan hackery.

"Former Sanders campaign manager Jeff Weaver echoed Longabaugh's claims.

“We were not offered veto power on staff at the DNC, I can tell you that,” Weaver told the publication. “This was a laundering operation. They’d go to fundraisers, they’d get a $350,000 check from donors which was supposed to be divvied up. Instead of disbursing that money, they’d turn around and run a small-dollar fundraising to generate small contributions that went to the Clinton campaign.”

Sanders campaign officials: DNC offered us a raw deal compared to what Hillary got

My long time complaint was that there was a coronation of Clinton. Other candidates were not seriously considered. I can see how you might disagree with this if you are heavily vested in her, but it did a GREAT disservice to the party. I have always claimed she was unelectable due to her high negatives, and her general demeanor. I'm on the record from early in the primaries, and I was complaining then about the coronation. The right has crucified her for decades. I said we were foolish to run her, and I've been proven right. It was a totally avoidable error, and we will pay with the Trump administration for 4 years, and likely Pence for another 8.
I voted for Sanders in the primary. I wasn't excited about Hillary as prez. At the general election there was no question in my mind who I would rather have. I do yearn for anybody but Trump.

I will point out that the right has been making shit up about her for years. When I looked into what was said, very little was true. About the only valid and proven complaint that I agree with is Clinton's vote in support of the Iraq war. Maybe her backing of her husband's crime bill. Holding years of lies against her as a reason not to have her run, to me seems wrong.

This a scandal for sure but unless there is a claim that it swung the election to Clinton then it's just back office bs and of small importance. I expect there will be a discussion and review followed by rules changes to prevent this. What I see is a lot of butt hurt remaining in the Sanders crowd and they are just piling on. I can't see how their outcry is accomplishing anything other than to make people like me take a second and hard look at anybody they want in office. Including Sanders.
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