Then enlighten me. In his end game, what was his methods for dealing with those who are still willing to steal, still willing to rape, still willing to murder, still refusing to pull their own weight or wasting shared resources? Or even just those unsociable floor shitter types? Remember, it's a collectivist philosophy, no room for individuals. His claims were people wouldn't do this in his utopia because there would be no need, do you believe that? Do you believe people shit on floors (next to a toilet) out of need?
And yes, I've read everything published in English by Marx, it was mandatory reading in a poly-sci class I had. Sorry that hurts your senses. Long time ago and once I became an independent adult I dismissed a lot of his theories. I'll admit that.
Philosophically I believe we need authority to protect me from my fellow man. The PC crowd and moral majority have decided I also need protection from myself, fuck them.