Hindu Kush/SC/Oddysee/PK/Chemdawg


Active Member
No shit man. I told myself too. No shortcuts. Beyond of course something I just can't get or can't afford. Just glad I got my reminder not to be that way early in the game. Gettin a bunch of cool stuff today. Can't wait. Also can't do anything till at least 11 am. And it's only 9:38. Been up since 6:30 and went to sleep at 3 am. Can't sleep no more and can't go do what I want yet. Tearin my hair out. Arrrgh. Lol. And I ran outta smokes. Luckily I got hooked up with a cheap ounce this weekend. Been cheifin this fat ass blunt for a couple minutes. Lost my lighter been lightin blunts off the stove. Tellin ya. Not my morning. I'll be cheery in a little bit. Plus the smoke is helpin. Peace.


Well-Known Member
hey man...just checked out the pictures below...all of them dont look to happy...run me through what u got goin and ill see if i can put in some input...lights...distance, temperature, water nutrients...anything u can think of let me know.


Well-Known Member
hey i just noticed you had more pictures below...i guess u got two rooms goin. i would remove that tinfoil as it leads to hotspots. this is what ive heard and dont have a source to quote...i think it is similar to holding a piece of thin metal outside...you can feel the heat reflecting from the sun instantly....

lookin good man!


Active Member
I have ghetto rigged my old comp for now. The vid card is fucked and I lose screen every once and awhile. Have to restart. Have it fixed tomorrow. Ok. That cabinet had a no heat floulescent bulb. With two 4 1/2" fans. That cab is trashed. Read just like the first two posts on this thread and you'll be caught up. I am on my second journal,same grow.


Active Member
Ok. Got some new stuff. First three pics are what I ran for vent. Couldn't stick em in the window so I got em right underneath it.Got the exaughst hung above the light. I grabbed some nylon rope to get rid of the chains. Like it better,lifted the light a couple more inches. And finally I got the intake aimed down.That thing was irratating the shit outta me. As a result I was able to put Pocohantas directly under the light. I also started a co2 maker outta the 2 liter bottle. Next time it will be a gallon.



Active Member
And finally I picked up some Epson salt and another spray bottle. More gallons water. Don't want to make the same mistake again so I mixed up all my foliar sprays through flower. Wrote what is in each jug as I went. When it is empty I simply follow directions. Also mixed my first week soil feed. Second through flower is same and mixed. Gonna mix up some more shit tomorrow if my check comes.


Pipe Dream

Well-Known Member
hey 81 degrees is not bad at all. I've actually heard that it's about optimal especially if it doesn't get any hotter than that. I'm still watchin just haven't been that active or had much to say. Peace


Active Member
Lol. It happens. The only thing is the thermometer is actually not a bad one. Gives me nhi and lo temps and humidity. It got up to 88 degrees at some point. Hopin I can get the 6" exaughst fan in the next couple weeks. Plus I need an oscilating fan. Man. Kinda jumped into all this a little faster than expected. So I have half of everything. By next month I should have everything including another small tent for veg. I'm hoping to have 6 new babies vegging within six weeks or so. Workin on perpetual grow. I wanna eventually be pullin every 5 weeks or so. No longer really want more plants. Think I wanna just have 6 big,even huge healthy girls.


Active Member
Well,wishin I hadn't got the thermometer. Yesterday I left for awhile and wnen I got back it was 97 degrees. And it had maxed out while I was gone at 102. Fuckin 102! Took me 2 hours to get it down to 86. Got an oscilating fan yesterday. I put it in but shit. It was in there when it hit 102. Blowin a lot of hot air around for nothin. By 10:30 am this mornin it was already at 90 fuckin degrees. So I opened the side tent flap and aimed the new fan outwards on hi. Only down to 86. AC is on in the living room. As soon as it gets cool enough I'll pull the vent from the window. Shut it most of the way. Take the fan,put it in my doorway and blow it towards the intake. See if this helps. Next Fri. I'm gonna buy a small AC unit for this window. Summer hasn't even fuckin started and I'm already in trouble. Two weeks after that I'll get the 6" fan I need and all will be good.


Active Member
Ok. I pulled the fan out of the tent. To be honest I didn't like it in there. To fuckin big at the base. But right now I got it aimed into the room,window open,vent in between. Lifted the light up some more. 22" over Pocohantas. Put the girls back where I had em. We shall see. I haven't been able to get the tent under 86 degrees today average of 88.


Well-Known Member
damn man I'm sorry that fuckin blows! Yea your going to need to make the tent air tight and put an exhaust fan in there. That's gonna be the only way to bring and KEEP them temps down!.. Hopefully they'll be alright untill then, I'm sure they probably will, just keep em watered in that fuckin heat! Not OVER watered tho! :)


Pipe Dream

Well-Known Member
Sounds like we are in almost the exact same boat! My air supply is in the other room and I have thought about just placing a fan in the hallway to suck it in better and all that lol. And yeah the thermometers suck but it's good to have at least you can try to make the situation better. Mine maxed out at about 102 the day my seeds dried out and with the 4 lights it's about 96 so yeah very similar in so many ways. Hookd is right(sorry I'm outta rep today) your going to need to get it air tight and get a proper ventilation fan which should fix all your problems as long as your incoming air isn't already too hot. Whenever you can try to leave the door open so heat doesn't build up as much good luck man. Once we get our systems dialed in everything will be much simpler.


Active Member
Ok. Made a deal with one of the homies yesterday. He lent me some cash for a small AC unit for the window. The deal is I owe him for the AC plus the cost of a new baby. Gonna grow it and give hime the equivalent in weight of that plant done. We grabbed a Mendocino Purp. Basically killed one of the leafs before I could cool it off. lol. What do you do. First pic is the new addition to the family.
Ok. For Chronic and PD. I have two 4 1/2 inch fans. One in and one out. My tent is airtight. That 600 is just to much for what I got.
So here's what I did. Pulled the oscilating fan out. It's to dam big and I got other problems at the moment. So fuck it. Can't get a pic of AC unit. My comp started fuckin up. Took and turned the intake fan around and raised it. So I now have two 4 1/2" out take fans up hi and aiming out the window. A little bit visible,but what do you do? Than I took and ran a vent from the AC to the lower entry of the tent. It's better. Much better really,but I'm still workin on it. Can't wait to get the dam 6 1/2" out take fan. This is crazy. Figure in two or so weeks I'll go into veg. I'll figure out a schedule that will help. Oh well. I'll beat this little bitch in the end.



Well-Known Member
lol, nice man I was just about to say, you should fuck that intake fan and use BOTH as exhaust. But you've already got that covered, so good for you! And you probably already knhow this, but I'ma say it anyways just in case. But your fans will be twice as effective if they are PULLING air from the inside of the tent out instead of 'pushing' it out. Does this make sense?

EDIT: And I found this out early aswell, but those little computer fans are fucking WORTHLESS! lol, no where near enough air flow to be helpful at all almost! lol


Active Member
Lol. I know. Got em for that cabinet. In there they were fine. Also one of the fuckin fans won't stop makin noise. If it keeps up it's outta there. I'll take that vent and run it over to the AC unit if it goes that way. I'm happy to say that at this time yesterday I was running at 95 degrees. Today I'm averaging between 73 and 75. So for now I'm winning. The fans are in the tent aiming out. I was told that was the best spot. Is that what you meant? Or to put the fans on the other side at the window? Here's a pic of the AC Unit. Took me a minute. PC sucks.



Active Member
The fan wouldn't quit makin noise. It's outta there. Gonna see if I can get a new one under warrenty. Took the vent and ran it to the AC. The tent is holding steady at 79. I'm cool with it. My buddy the electrician same by. Says I'm cool with what I got now but he's gonna wire me another 20 amp circuit So when I get the big fan and also at some point another tent I'll be fine. Doin it for me cheap. I'm happy. Girls are happy. All is right.