If your kid decides to try marijuanna at 15 or 16 like most kids. Or sooner,I know. I started at 11. Anyway,your kid gets caught trying it for the first time,they can get 3 years.
The prediction is anywhere up to $80 a gram on the street if this law goes. Typically people don't get shot up as much over weed. But if it starts costin as much as coke or others,your gonna see more of it.
Ok, not sayin that any of what your sayin is wrong..... But this shit is rediculous man... I mean cuz really? a MINOR, is gonna get sent to jail for 3 years for hittin a doobie?... lol, Now don't you think that's just a little absurd, even for our fucked up justice system? lol, I hardly believe that a minor is going to be put away for 3 years for takin a hit off someone's J! lol, Just sayin.
And are you fucking kidding me? $80/gram? hahahahaha, that's funny, I have never heard of anybody ever paying that much for weed, and I GUARENTEE you that 'if' this really ends up happening, people won't pay that much for it, they'll go find it somewhere else, take a road trip or straight up just stop smoking man. Because that is juat ABSURD!
Again I'm not saying that your wrong about any of this, You have read much more on the subject than I have and know a LOT more than I do about the situation!... These are just a few of my thoughts....
How are the girls comin along BTW godfrey?..