Would I be able to measure it with a multimeter? Like the Ohms setting I'm guessing, if I hook it up to it? And if it reads 85k, I would want a 15k resistor, correct, or am I confused?Can't say without measuring the pot on that driver. You "might" be able to squeak out another 10W-15W.
Thanks for clearing this stuff up for me.Yup, measure ohms on the two outside connectors.
So the more resistance it reads the higher it will want to go up to a point where it maxes out? Sorry if I sound like a dumbass, lol.It's a resistor feedback circuit. The driver outputs a signal through the resistor and/or potentiometer and makes adjustments based on how the signal is altered by resistance.
So the more resistance it reads the higher it will want to go up to a point where it maxes out? Sorry if I sound like a dumbass, lol.
Thanks. It's starting to make sense finally, lol.That's it. Anything from 100K to OL/infinite resistance is driven at 100%