Hmmm123's lowryder2, cfl, grow.

Those little 20watt cfl's i have get fucking hot! They seem a lot hotter than the big 125watt bulb. I think i found the problem maybe, about 1 hour ago i moved my thermometer to the level of my peat pots and temps are just hitting 80 there that can't be good. Seems strange i'm sure it must be those 20watt cfls cos i have them on at the mo still for trinity. It must be them i think cos at the bottom of my cab it's about 65 to 70 but right under those 20watt cfls where my seedlings are it's hitting 80! So now what to do. Well i guess i have 3 options turn the 20watt cfls out and take trinity out the cab so there is room to put my seedlings under the 125watt cfl. Or i could add an 80mm fan in there at about the height of the seedlings but that seems a lot of hassle, plus my 80mm fans are about ready for the bin they make a right nosie and stop spinning sometimes lol. Or the finally option is i just hope for the best and hope my seedlings don't roast!

fair comment, see how it goes like that then. Ive never used cfls so dunt really know an awfull lot bout them. i wouldnt let them dry out too much.
Well i can't beleive it please tell it's not just my dog that's like this! At the moment i only have one chair at my table and i just had to get another bloody chair out cos my dog was sat crying cos he wanted to sit at the table to! But wait that's not it he wouldn't sit on the chair i got for him he wanted to sit on mine cos there was a cushion on it! So i had to get him a cushion too! He is happy now finally settled down sat on the chair at the table! I feel like a bit of a prat sat at the table with my dog sat opsite me lol. Surely not all dogs are this insecure it's like having a baby lol.
Well i can't beleive it please tell it's not just my dog that's like this! At the moment i only have one chair at my table and i just had to get another bloody chair out cos my dog was sat crying cos he wanted to sit at the table to! But wait that's not it he wouldn't sit on the chair i got for him he wanted to sit on mine cos there was a cushion on it! So i had to get him a cushion too! He is happy now finally settled down sat on the chair at the table! I feel like a bit of a prat sat at the table with my dog sat opsite me lol. Surely not all dogs are this insecure it's like having a baby lol.

Mine is. She has worse separation anxiety than any kid I've met.
my mate has a dog that is so scared of everything, he wont let u touch him unless ur his dad or mum lol, ive never met a dog so weary of humans he was a rescue so god knows what happend to him bless hiss cotton socks
Yeah my gf's mom has a rescue dog that was obviously fucked with really badly when she was young. She freaks out if you bend over - whether you're anywhere near her or not - and starts barking. She also doesn't like it if you carry a bottle around. Good thing I drink out of pint glasses when I'm over.

We have a rescue puppy that's half husky and (we think) half labrador. Beautiful dog.
I'm going to count today as day 1 as all 3 of my seedlings popped though the soil today they seem to be doing fine so far. Have given them each 5 small spoonfulls of water everyday up to now because everyday they have needed watering. Pics below sorry there not very clear!

I have some LR2 seed's I'm hanging onto for a later grow so I'm interested in how this turns out.


Good luck hmmm, happy growing!
Nothing much to say really i can just see the first set of fan leaves coming though on all my seedlings now, gave them each 7 spoons of water again today. Pics below!

Watered them again same amount as i have been doing, Can just see the start of there second fan leaves now i think so all going good so far. I had to change my light sechedule today i'm hoping it wont course them too much stress! Before my lights where on 12am till 6pm then off from 6pm till 12am. But i relised that it will be far too cold for them before long though the night if the light isn't on, so i thought it would be better to change it now rather than later on in the grow cos after all it's only going to get colder! So now my lights are on 12pm till 6am and off 6am till 12pm, think that's right sorry get confussed when i'm trying to write it down!

Also i moved them a bit closer to the light now there a bit bigger still have the clean film over the pots to help keep the mostuire in. Is my light about the right distance away now? What do people think? They seem fine just checked on them they have been that close for hours now and they don't seem to be burning or be to hot that close. Any opinons anyone? As always pics below.

Or right first off my laptop is fucked and i have no idea how to fix it, so if i don't update my jounral for a couple of days it's cos this fucking thing wont let me on the internet! So sorry everyone havn't had the chance to look at your jounrals thought i best write my update while i can!

On to my grow then lol.
Well nothing much to say all still going well gave them the same amount of water again today, as for what i'm going to do diffrent mr west, i dunno yet lol, was thinking i might LST but was wondering if it was worth the effort with an autoflowering strain? Pics below. maybe not pics lol, i did take some but i can't get them to upload bloody laptop will add them if i get it working!
u fixed that fast lol. I had to free my alaskan ice today from its seed casing. i hate doin that.
lol, i wouldn't go as far as fixed, i have finally got it working something like now after 2 whole days of trying to fix it. There is no way i'm paying 80 dollars to get the recovery cd sent from the US! i dread to think how much it has cost me calling from my mobile to find that info out! Word of advice to all you UK people out there. Don't buy an amercain laptop! Cos when they wrong your screwed unless you don't mind spending loads of money shipping parts from the US and spending loads of money phoning sony in the US! Let's just say i have learnt my lesson the hard way lol.

I will update my jounral at some point well i'm saying i will, yet to plug my phone in and see if that still works lol.

Oh and by the way if anyone can tell me how to make my text smaller on my laptop that would be great, cos i can't remember how to! And now i have reinstalled everything my writing is massive lol

u fixed that fast lol. I had to free my alaskan ice today from its seed casing. i hate doin that.