Hmmm123's lowryder2, cfl, grow.

Ohhhh yay! Thanks mr west! Hasn't quiet fixed the problem though think i need to change the resloution of the screen or something lol, i'll do that tomorrow though i can't be arsed to mess around with it anymore today. I have sound and the internt is working so that will do me for now lol.

er try ctrl - or +, works on my tower lol
All still going well you can just see there second set of fan leaves coming though now. Watered them again today. Pics below.

still waiting on my big bang and jack herer to pop, grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr. Glad I helped ya hmmm123 feeel free torep me hahahaha ;O)
haha! Do you even pay attention to that? lol Cos i always forgert about it, by the way i'm sure the hash i made with trinity's leaves has been near roast chicken! I'm not joking either must have been the baking tray i put them on or something lmao.

Oh and i forgot to say i have to share the love around or something before i can give you any more rep lol.

still waiting on my big bang and jack herer to pop, grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr. Glad I helped ya hmmm123 feeel free torep me hahahaha ;O)
Hurrah i found your new grow! Coming along nicely, theyre so cute and iccle! Im just about to plant some more seeds but yet again youre a little bit ahead of me lol. Are you planning on doing anything differently this time round? Not trying to say you did anything wrong Im just looking for any handy tips!
Hi queenbee! Nice to see you :D
Erm i dunno yet for sure what i'm going to do depneds how many females i get out the 3 seeds really with space being an issue. I did go the other day and buy lots of diffrent nutes to try out this time round. Will explain more about them tomorrow though cos i'm to tired now, and can't be arsed to go to the shed to look see what they where called.

Hurrah i found your new grow! Coming along nicely, theyre so cute and iccle! Im just about to plant some more seeds but yet again youre a little bit ahead of me lol. Are you planning on doing anything differently this time round? Not trying to say you did anything wrong Im just looking for any handy tips!
Watered them again they seem to be looking a bit droopy though so i might not water them tomorrow as they seem to be holding the mosture for longer now there a bit bigger. Pics below.

Ohhhh i'm happy right now! After about 4 days i have finally fixed my laptop! Woooohooooo! Reformatted the harddrive reinstalled windows and have just finished putting all my documents back on it. Oh yer done it at last! Thought i'd share my good news with you all lol.
Aparantly this is day eight i got it into my head this was day seven lol. Anyway only gave them half as much water as usually today, also turned my two 20watt bulbs on at the front/top of my cab to give them a bit more light now there bigger.

Ohhhh i'm happy right now! After about 4 days i have finally fixed my laptop! Woooohooooo! Reformatted the harddrive reinstalled windows and have just finished putting all my documents back on it. Oh yer done it at last! Thought i'd share my good news with you all lol.
cool news hmmm. I neeed a new tower, but not as much as i need a new 400w hps bulb lol.
Or right so i went to the garden centre the other day and bought some nutes for this grow, i got the closest thing i could to what was suggested on the dr chronic website. So here goes:

Doff liquid growmore. NPK 7:7:7

This is what it says on the back incase anyone wants to know cos i don't think you can read it in the pic! "Directions for use, inner cap filled to top= 15ml. Mix 1 inner capful of doff liquid growmore into 7 litres of water to cover 7 and half square metres and apply to the base of the plants."

miricle-grow orgainic choice bloom booster plant food.

This i what this one says. "directions for use evenly scatter granules over the compost or soil around your plants, gently work the granules into the soil or mix thoughly into compost, after application water in thoughly.

Or right so at the moment not sure when i'm going to start nutes or what dose, so any advice would be good! My bottles only hold 1 litre of water though so i'm going to have scale everything down to suit my needs. Pics below, let me know what you all think! Good or bad choice? Baring in mind most the products they stocked where mircle-grow!

most towns have one tucked away somewhere, well big towns and citys lol, are you far from a city hmmm?
Aparantly according to google lol, my nearest hydro shop is 108 miles away. I refuse to travel further than 20 miles to get to one never mind that far!

most towns have one tucked away somewhere, well big towns and citys lol, are you far from a city hmmm?
lol ur out in the sticks then lol, thought i was bad, my mum moved me out of london wen i was 15, to a small village with 300 ppl and no pub lmao. No wonder i like a toke