holes again? or till it all?


Well-Known Member
I live up in norcal and there's lots of other growers around here that would rather till an area than dig holes.

I have 12 1.5' wide 2.5-3' deep holes from last years grow. a buddy of mine told me to just till it all, add a bunch of stuff to it to get it good.

but I was just wondering if others more experienced with this could give me an opinion on this.

up here it's hardpan clay for soil. I had to work so hard to dig the holes I have, this clay is so compressed.

so I'm basically wondering if I should keep using holes or not. my friend argued that there is grass and other weeds leeching from the plants, but I considered cannabis a dominant plant and wouldn't be leached from easily?

either way, I'm mainly wondering if I should do holes again, or if I sh ould till.

and if I should till, some detailed information on what I should do with hardpan clay would be great.


Well-Known Member
hey poplars, your thread caught my eye cause I've been thinking of tilling this year. But if you already have the holes dug I wouldn't abandon them. I think tilling would be the way to go on a new location though. Break up all the sod and roots. Some of those tree roots go forever.
The drawbacks I see is the noise and needing more amendments if you are tilling a larger spot than you normally plant in.
Around here I have lots of red clay that needs lots of peat and perlite to areate it.


Well-Known Member
Well Holes are good, but if your doing more plants over a larger area then I dont see why you wouldn't use a tiller, its easier and pretty much does that same thing.


just use you holes available bro why not there already there... fill them with a good airey soilmis and put some sk clones out there!!!!


Well-Known Member
hah chitown there are gonna be atleast 6 SK plants out there :D, I may do more, it depends. I really want to have a nice balance of bud this year.

and I"m gonna be growing em so big that I"m gonna get pounds per plant :D.

so yeah I'm gonna just stick with holes this year, due to the script laws we're stuck with 12 plants. so I"m just gonna stick with the huge holes I already have dug, the heavy indica will go crazy with the space I already have :D


Well-Known Member
yeah, even if I till I'd go in there and dig out a good hole where each plant will be. Most tillers only get down 6" to 8" or so. Those big girls need more than that, esp with that clay underneath.