Holly shit! I need all help people! I am gona get tested!


Well-Known Member
fake piss duh passed like 50 court test and jus helped me get a job agent x quick fix magnum all the same great stuff


Well-Known Member
spent almost 10 years on parole [the parole officer watched me piss every time] been drivin truck 11 yrs. now had many tests & not 1 watched me pee company dr. or even my own dr. if its just your job use synthetec urine if its parole or probation use another method


Well-Known Member
red whine, green tea, milk thissle, b complex, niacin, golden seal, cranberry juice, i had 4.5 days to study for the last piss test, but that what i used passed no problems, but then again i only weight 160 soaking wet with my clothes on. pisssing clean also got me full custody of my son. suxs if you cant "study" for the test man, good luck.


Well-Known Member
But that won`t work they are gona look!
Depends on what type of test you are taking. You need to know your rights when it comes to this. If this is a federal test, like court appointed, or ordered from your P.O. or anything of that nature they are allowed to be in there with you and practically hold it for ya.

However if this is a test from an employer or your doctor or anything related to this, they ARE NOT ALLOWED IN THAT ROOM! Period. You can look this up.

I agree with the rest that synthetic piss is the best bet unless you have a clean friend who will piss in a pill bottle for you. This is one option i do not have as i surround my self with people of similar interests.

G/L dude


Well-Known Member
i use quick fix synth. urine. worked the last 4 times i used it. someone said the labs keep updating and are able to detect the qf after a while and then qf has to make a new formula. not sure how true that is though. also like someone else said, if its the dip test..its easy to beat. the lab is a different story.
There are a few ways to approach this... all of which have been discussed here, so I will summarize:

1) Dilute your urine by drinking water - You'll dilute the cannabanoid metabolites to a level low enough to not get a positive, but you also dilute the other metabolites to a level where the test is considered invalid. This is probably okay, they will just make you go back another day and do it again. One lab I went to reported the test as "inconclusive". This was a pain, since I hadn't even been smoking. Figures.

2) Take a cover up - Some products you consume just hours before the urine test. The process is to dilute your urine enough to flush out the metabolites, but the cover up adds in the other metablolites to give you a valid test result. These products contain all types of vitamines, including B12 and B6, as well as creatine. From my experience, these products work very well if you want to pass a test by peeing in a cup.

3) Get fake urine - You can use either someone elses urine or synthetic urine. The two issues with this approach are 1) delivering the urine without being caught and 2) having the sample be the correct temperature. There will be a thermometer in the cup which will say how warm the sample is. If you go in to a bathroom alone, you can put the sample in to a cup and then run hot water on the outside of the cup to raise the sample temperature. If you are monitored during the drop, there are devices to warm the sample, operated by battery. This is a sure-fire pass, but takes the most commitment and preparation.

4) Don't smoke weed. It had to be said. If you have 30 days to clean out, do it. It's not a bad thing.

Vinegar, Exercise and Certo -

I won't comment on vinegar, as I have no first hand experience. Extreme exercise are probably not a good idea. In fact, exercising days leading up to a drop is definately a bad idea! It releases metabolites in to your urine. You want as few as possible. So the days up to the exam should be sedintary. You may even consider eating fattening foods to make sure you are in a "adding fat" state, rather than burning fat and releasing metabolites. Certo does work and it does so by coating the lining of your excratory system with a thin coat of wax. Water essentially goes right through you and no metabolites pass from your body in to the sample. I know it works, but it seems extreme to me and there is probably a right and wrong way to do it.

Flushing with large amounts of water days up to the drop is pointless. Flushing for 12 hours prior is all that's necessary. After the first gallon, it's practically pure water anyways.

My recommendation:
Get a cover up and follow the instructions exactly. I have used them a number of times and always passed. I passed federal examinations as well as private lab examinations. They are simple to use, and usually require only 2-4 hours advanced notice, so you can keep one in your car and buy yourself the time to pass at a moments notice. Just remember to follow the instructions to the letter. Most of these kits require you to drink very little water, which may be counterintuitive, but it works.


Active Member
go get fake piss from a head shop.. tape it to your inner thy and there you go... ive been ttested 5 times in the last 6 months and ive passed everytime


I don't mean to start a debate, but I read that exercise is good but you shouldn't do it the night before. It burns fat which contains the thc residue, and burning that fat will release it into your blood and show in your test. It is good if you have a week to prepare. Water flush and vitamins is the way to go. Even if the test fails and you need to retake it, at least you bought some time man.

GL, best wishes.
If you have time... exercise is good (10+ days) but you definately want your metabolism to slow down before the drop. I would say no exercise for two-three days before the drop and consumption of high fat foods.

I don't mean to start a debate, but I read that exercise is good but you shouldn't do it the night before. It burns fat which contains the thc residue, and burning that fat will release it into your blood and show in your test. It is good if you have a week to prepare. Water flush and vitamins is the way to go. Even if the test fails and you need to retake it, at least you bought some time man.

GL, best wishes.


Well-Known Member
CERTO works- it's just fruit pectin

put 1 tab into an arizona iced tea

drink 2 of these 3-4 hours before the test and guzzle water

works everytime
This is what I did one time some ghetto shit! I got someone elses urine.( If you do this make sure if your a male to get another males urine vice versa for females) You fill a condom with the persons urine and you put it in a pot of boiling hot water let it heat up real good then get your self a coffe mug or I used a thermal jug with a top. Pour the hot water in the coffe mug or the thermal jug. It gots to be insulated so the heat doesnt deplete. Then you stick the condom in it and close the top. Then you grab some aluminum paper like 1 square foot is good. And take that along with the thermal in your car to wherever you gota go to get tested. WHen you get there take the condom out and wrap it up with aluminum paper. Stick it by your dick try to wear some white tighties and when its time to piss pull out and pinch the bottom and voila! Thats how I passed my pre hire test

Blazed Hippie

Active Member
Lol whose testing you a job or your mom? The way you posted it makes it look like ur parents are drug testing you lol. I have passed a drug test the day I smoked. I KNOW someones gonna try to call me out on this but hear me out. I applied for 2 jobs at once. Both of them set me up an interview and i thought for sure i was gonna get one of them and the other one was gonna drug test me so I didn't care as much about it. Turns out i didn't get the sure thing job. So I made a last ditch attempt by going to my local headshop and buying a detox kit the morning of my test. I drank it and 45 mins later i peed clean. Got the job :)

Also this drug test took place in a buzzkill state. You know what i mean.

(AFTER reading the other posts and thinking i realized i didnt drink a detox drink it was a metabolism inhibitor see my other post)


Well-Known Member
drinks lots of vinegar and water or applejuice!!!! the ARMY calls it joggin in a jug!!! for good reason!!! i have passed many o' test with it !!!! THC sticks to yur fat cells!!! and this will rid you of all them !!!!

Blazed Hippie

Active Member
Holly is a plant. Get a clean friend to piss in a cup and then using a turkey baster, put it up your pee hole and fill your bladder with it. It will be uncomfortable and feel like an egg is hatching inside of you, but if you can hold it in till its time to pee, you should be ok.

Its very gross.

You seriously have to be kidding there is no way anyone in the right mind would actually recommend putting another humans bodily waste into their own body. LOL


Well-Known Member


go to a head shop of wal greens an rite aid sell it, its a drink wal greens has rede clean.. its a detox drink head shops always have it.. but my dad picked some up at rite aid, its like 40 bucks