homemade hash??


does anyone know how to make hash from leaves and buds. Ive ground it up very fine but need to know what else to do. CW


Well-Known Member
Or, it's also called "bubble hash". Bubble Bags can be bought off Ebay,(60 for a decent set of 'off-brand', and about $250 for the real Bubble Bags. Both work great, but I'm guessing that the real bags are higher-quality, and last longer. It's one of the simplest ways to make great hash, even if you're just learning how to do it. Check 'em out.


i recently read a post for simple diy hash. ice in a food processor with the trims and then screen through a couple coffee filters. google it. it's all over , seems reasonable enough right?


Well-Known Member
BHO is also very easy. Just go on youtube and check it out. All you need is some PVC pipe, triple filtered butane, and your ground trim.


Well-Known Member
get one of those metal coffee screens there like 4 bucks
put the product in and sift over a mirror for like 5 mins
and youll get some nice dry sieve hash

of course bubble hash is better but you gotta have some loot for the bags
so if you lookin for a quick cheap way the coffee filter sift works