Well-Known Member
Meta, those are the same peppers you saw bro. Pretty cool huh? Check out the pics below... And thanks for asking, the job hunt is going alright, slowly but surely, or at least probably... I think after the peppers are all harvested, i'm going to clean out the box, reinforce some loose bulbs with a little duct tape, and turn the lights off until i'm ready for the danky dank. You know i've got a handful of seeds just waiting to see the light. All in due time!Dude! Are those the same peppers I saw when I was up there? They were tiny! Now they look so nice! It's amazing, bro, you truely have a green thumb...Very nice...I hope the job search is going well, and I hope you try to make some more time for us every now and then...lol...But really, it's great to see your pepper plants doing so well, keeping the grow box warm till it's danky time again...I hope you guys are having a wonderful summer!
Thanks for dropping in gumball! Yeah, i have to say growing indoor veggies satisfies about 60% of the same bug as growing weed (minus the prize dank at the end, but also minus the stealth and smell issues). And takes about the same types of skills... patience and attention to the plants' needs. Great hobby, but i can't wait to get back to some cannabis. I still have about an ounce left from my last grow, so there's no particular rush from that end, but i just love growing the stuff haha.cool grow homer!!
You're most welcome stoneyluv. Man, i owed you at least 7 or 8 reps, i'm sure. i just can't spread it fast enough to keep up. Anyway, you certainly deserve all the rep i can give you.Thanks for the rep Homer!!!!!
And, here are some fresh pics from the first real harvest of my mini bell peppers. i even included a couple MVHV shots just for you stoney (and micro.grower if he happens to be watching, of course).
here goes:

thanks for indulging me in this tangential project. in case anyone's curious, i'm using 2 T5s and 4 soft cfls for these babies. this is the first harvest of 9 peppers... i have maybe 12-15 more that'll be ready to harvest in the next couple of weeks overall, it'll be good for a nice plate of hors d'oeuvres -- maybe some stuffed mini grilled peppers as some kind of appetizer... meta if you have any culinary ideas for these babies, share your wisdom!
peace everyone