Honesty! How honest are you?????

Why do we lie???? We mainly lie to:

  • protect our egos (we do not want to reveal that much of ourselves and use it as protection)

    Votes: 10 21.3%
  • protect the ones we love.

    Votes: 6 12.8%
  • both of the above

    Votes: 22 46.8%
  • just get by because everyone else does it (social conditioning.

    Votes: 1 2.1%
  • Other. please elaborate.

    Votes: 8 17.0%

  • Total voters


Well-Known Member
Decided to take the family out for dinner. Had some cash lying on my dresser and for some reason decided to take a Hundred Dollar Bill to pay for our meal. Folded the bill and stuffed it in my pocket, got the family in the car and off we went.

We enjoyed a pleasant dinner together. The check came. Reached in my pocked and fished around for the Hundred. Couldn't find it. Checked the other pockets. Hmmmm wasn't there either.

I rationalized that I must'v intended to put the money in my pocket, got distracted and didn't. Pulled out a credit card, paid for dinner and made a mental note to find my Hundred wherever I left it at home.

Finally got home, looked for the money, but couldn't find it anywhere. Oh well. Money has a way of getting away from me even in the best of situations. I try not to let it get me down.

About an hour later I get a call from the restaurant. It's the Manager.
He tells me the waiter, a college-aged guy, found a Hundred Dollar Bill under our table after we left, and wondered if it belonged to us.
I aksed how they got my phone number. The manager told me that he called the credit card company and asked them for my telephone number. I thanked him for going through all that trouble, Then I admitted that I was short a Hundred bucks. I wondered to myself, "who wouldn't say they lost it?"

Anyhow I was reunited with my $100.00, and gave the waiter who found it a second nice tip, and a great deal of respect. When I got home I wrote a letter to the chain's management telling them my story and suggesting that they find a way to recognize these lovely people for their exceptional honesty.


Well-Known Member
i always tell it how it is, with out been mean to the person. i tell the truth, thats why lots of people ask my opinion.
like if the wife, is all dressed up, thinks, she looks nice , but looks silly, or she doesnt match.
then id tell her, so other people dont say, anything to or about her.
anything with antone, id try to tell them, like id like to be told, if it was me.


New Member
That's like...the checks in the mail or I promise I won't cum in your mouth...I always tell the truth...:twisted:


New Member
Bravo!!!!!:clap: I just LOVE to hear stories like this.
I am one of those people who would also return the money but I would say MOST people wouldn't.
And for someone as young as that to be as honest is commendable to say the least.

If given back too much change I most certainly would give it back however I have no problem while shopping scooping those grapes or dibbing into the candy bin:-|
But then again, maybe that is because of my childishness.:lol:

I believe we all justify our truthfulness but because we have egos can never be 100% truthful. Even truth is within our own perception. What is truth?

It is an interesting topic I think.

Thanks for your all your responses. :mrgreen::peace:

Decided to take the family out for dinner. Had some cash lying on my dresser and for some reason decided to take a Hundred Dollar Bill to pay for our meal. Folded the bill and stuffed it in my pocket, got the family in the car and off we went.

We enjoyed a pleasant dinner together. The check came. Reached in my pocked and fished around for the Hundred. Couldn't find it. Checked the other pockets. Hmmmm wasn't there either.

I rationalized that I must'v intended to put the money in my pocket, got distracted and didn't. Pulled out a credit card, paid for dinner and made a mental note to find my Hundred wherever I left it at home.

Finally got home, looked for the money, but couldn't find it anywhere. Oh well. Money has a way of getting away from me even in the best of situations. I try not to let it get me down.

About an hour later I get a call from the restaurant. It's the Manager.
He tells me the waiter, a college-aged guy, found a Hundred Dollar Bill under our table after we left, and wondered if it belonged to us.
I aksed how they got my phone number. The manager told me that he called the credit card company and asked them for my telephone number. I thanked him for going through all that trouble, Then I admitted that I was short a Hundred bucks. I wondered to myself, "who wouldn't say they lost it?"

Anyhow I was reunited with my $100.00, and gave the waiter who found it a second nice tip, and a great deal of respect. When I got home I wrote a letter to the chain's management telling them my story and suggesting that they find a way to recognize these lovely people for their exceptional honesty.


New Member
Haha Donny.
Thats why I added that classic one. I think most guys lie about this one either to soften the hurtful truth OR protect themselves from being nagged out all day. :lol::lol::lol:
If my girlfriend came up to me and asked me if the pants made her look fat I would lie till the ends of the earth.


Well-Known Member
In 'passage to india', Godbole tells us there are two ways of telling truth
that are often at odds with one another.

truth of mood and truth of word.

sometimes u lie to stop people pannicking for no reason,
sometimes to see what the other person thinks,
its the best way to spot a toady - say something obviously untrue
and then see if they just agree with you, or r they authentic enuf to disagree?

truth of word is lost, but truth of mood is discovered



Well-Known Member
I think the reason people lie is being scared... scared to look small so you lie and build yourself up, scared of the consequences so you lie and make yourself seem innocent. Become scared of no man and you'll have no reason to lie :)


Well-Known Member
we lie to make ourselves look cool : in our younger years

we lie to attract people : teenage years.

we lie to get attention : older years.

But fuck it..