hope you don't mind pissing in a cup to recover your own money

Butt pirates, dude.
13th is yet another in a long line of documentaries that hash out the same old shit all over again without ever actually addressing how to fix it.

The simple fact of the matter is that we have the only prison system with no goal other than profit. You can take everything else and flush it because in the end, that is the issue. Slavery was about nothing but profit. Prisons are about nothing but profit. So naturally the powers that be will do anything they can to keep the status quo.

Every other civilized nation on earth abandoned that model over a century ago and began a rehabilitation/education model. Their thought was that if you prepared a criminal for a productive life, something that the VAST majority had never been prepared for before, they would become productive members of society rather than a hindrance to it.

They have been proven correct.

It's easy to make a documentary about problems. It's been done to death for decades. The hard part is making a documentary about the solutions.

But nobody wants to do that because there's no money in it.

That is why things will never, ever change.
People are evil.

In this country? Yes. By and large, you're correct. That's why we only lead the world in amount of medications consumed, cost of health care, number of prisoners and amount spent on the military.

In education, standard of living, happiness, job satisfaction, health, life expectancy and just about every other standard of living field, we're not in the top 30.

Go figure.
Maybe they should work on making more jobs. Rather than kicking those that are already down. Looking for one.
Saw an urban-preparedness-kit video once with all the gear you could possiby fit into an Altoids tin. plethora of micro gadgetry, shit you'll never use. maybe the postage stamp.
Saw an urban-preparedness-kit video once with all the possible gear you could possibly fit into an Altoids tin. plethora of micro gadgetry, shit you'll never use. maybe the postage stamp.

Sutures, tiny fish hooks, a thimble, small mirror, a button, ...