hope you don't mind pissing in a cup to recover your own money

More spam ftw. Fact is more Pubs proportionately supported and voted for civil rights , voting act and fair housing than Dems. Over 80% of Pub support in fact. Once everyone was free to vote, no shock it went Pub.

And UncleBunk has forgotten that Hillary was a "goldwater girl" LOL
Right, no need to explain anything if he's a liberal, got it.
Name one legislator who switched parties besides Strom Thurmond. Not my problem you choose to ignore your parties past and present.
It has nothing to do with party, fuckface. Not all conservatives are racist but if you're a racist, it's probable you're a conservative. Are you a conservative? Own it, skidmark.
Someone do a 'hope you don't mind pissing on a Drumpf to recover your own country' parody thread/poll.
British dude's pee pee tape making an appearance - yes/no/duhhh/incest ?
maybe twopumpchump just forgot that after civil rights passed, the south immediately started to vote for barry "civil rights suck my ass" goldwater and george "segregation forever" wallace, rather than the party that ended slavery 100+ years earlier.

or maybe he is a neo-nazi white supremacist here to promote neo-nazism and spread retarded propaganda since no one has ever seen him post a picture of cannabis in any form whatsoever.
I'll take B for $100, Buck.