Hopsnmalt's 2011 Grow


Active Member
I am SUPER bummed about it. I am hoping that I find some while jarring but it's not looking promising. :( I will keep you posted and if I do find some you get first pick. :)
Oh well, we tried and will try again.
I did get 14 seeds of the Maui so far and I haven't looked that hard yet. :) My GDP x MK are in there and I learned from my previous mistake and left just the pollinated branch on the plant. That should be a good one.
My winter project will be to fire up 2 simple grow tents for breeding and seedmaking. Looking forward to it.



Active Member
Evening all.
Posting now as I'm soon to be in another multi day trimfest. Hope to finish the other White Siberian and a half, plus the Green crack. It will be nice to get organized and cleaned up after the last trimfest.
Some bud will be going into jars and that will make me happy. Time to pick seeds and get a final count and bag up the silly amount of hash trim and popcorn for winter projects. It'll also be good to get some preliminary dry weight estimates on bud.

Good luck everybody,



Well-Known Member
Will be trying that again, I'll pm you when I do. believe I still have some Maui wowie seeds in my posession?????


Active Member
Will be trying that again, I'll pm you when I do. believe I still have some Maui wowie seeds in my posession?????
Hey Hodge.
The Maui Wowie goes in to a jar tomorrow, it was a 2 gallon potted plant. I wish I had pollinated the whole thing but I had so many plants around I only let one banana open on one bud :(. I have 14 so far and will certainly find a few more when I crumble it.
You're In.



Active Member
Taking a break from the trimming and drying, got all but 5 in.
1 fluffy Urkel x og
1 Kandy kush
2 Durbans
1 Kushberry

All are coming out this Fri, Sat and Sun except maybe the urkel og, it is fluffy as hell but looks and smells lovely. If it starts to amber, it's out.
The Kushberry got trashed monday in the storm, 1.5 inches of rain over 15 hours, no mold so far but branches are are all over the place and the main stem is split lengthwise in 3 places. all parts are still attached so hoping it will continue to mature till then as it's mostly cloudy as of wed AM.

The durbans are looking to be the most intriguing of the lot. I have a crew of 5 for saturday so maybe we can knock one out in a day. Also have a trim reaper for the weekend to use on the smaller buds and the fluffy urkel.

Here's a pic of the white siberian, what a yielder. Got almost 7lbs off three plants and 6lbs came off the 2 bigger ones. Damn, def growing it again.

More pics later,



Active Member
Grew the Durban couple years back and didn't care for the taste, was late to finish. Plant was a monster and did produce good yield just tasted crappy harsh, would burn your throat.
Congrats on the first plant in. Sounds like an intersting cross?
It is an interesting cross. Problem is I didn't do my homework when deciding to make it part of my garden. Purple Urkel is a 'Clone only' strain which explains why the 4 plants seemed soooo unlike each other when flowering started. Crossing a clone only with another sometimes difficult plant (og) was a bad idea and didnt work out for me. I could have 6 to 8 more pounds of product if I had grown something else.
Live and learn



Well-Known Member
It is an interesting cross. Problem is I didn't do my homework when deciding to make it part of my garden. Purple Urkel is a 'Clone only' strain which explains why the 4 plants seemed soooo unlike each other when flowering started. Crossing a clone only with another sometimes difficult plant (og) was a bad idea and didnt work out for me. I could have 6 to 8 more pounds of product if I had grown something else.
Live and learn

yea hops that's all true but, that's also the kind of cross that famous super dank clone-only cuts come out of now and then!! HA. And what if you would've got one, you woulda been all, damn I'm glad I did that cross!


Active Member
yea hops that's all true but, that's also the kind of cross that famous super dank clone-only cuts come out of now and then!! HA. And what if you would've got one, you woulda been all, damn I'm glad I did that cross!
Very good point Wheezer. The one that's left in the ground now might be a cloneable, beautiful indoor prospect. I was just thinking of my outdoor project as I put a lot of effort into prepping holes that were home to half ass plants. (at least 3 were)



Active Member
It's on the way, went out this AM. N-joy
Thanks a million Hodge, You enjoy yours too.

Once again I am reminded of the quality crew I have amassed as an adult. 6 friends are coming to help trim the last 6 girls over the next 3 days. Ribeyes, beer and bud on me.

The Durbans and other 4 are coming down starting tomorrow, although there's a chance I'll leave 2 in for another week. don't want to jinx(sp) myself but looks like around 8 lbs between the two Durbans. We will start with the outer colas, trimming by hand and move on to the Kandy, Cheese and the Urkel possibly using the trim reaper for the small stuff. Epic 3 day trimming weekend. Hate to sound like a douche but I'm getting tired of trimming. Very happy to see the piles of jars though.....

Enjoy the weekend all.. this weather is a gift from above and it will shine on the trim crew....
Bourbon and Blue widow, dangerous combo.



Well-Known Member
fuck man.. you guys kill me. i was made to be a farmer not a chemist. some day. SOME DAY I WILL OWN A FARM. mark my words. i dream of open spaces... oh how i hate living in a downtown area. keep me dreaming guys!


Active Member
Quick update on the grow.

All but 1 plant indoors now. Just the lonely UrkelOG cross is left, to be cut on Friday. Sure is a pretty one.....
Urkel og is ready.jpg
The Durbans proved to be pretty good yielders but as I expected, not quite matching their stature. Will grow them again, certainly.
The preliminary smoke tests show good potency and the taste ain't bad considering 1 week drying, I think it's gonna be very good bud.
Here's the total harvest, ready for curing, from 2 plants. I estimate 6 to 7.5 lbs. I need a bigger scale.
Durban payday.jpg
All in all, a very good season.
Started with 19 plants, 2 were stolen, 3 were very small, 2 were about 4 oz each and 2 were put directly into the hash bin.
Essentially the remaining 10 good plants averaged just about 2lbs each.
1 plant is still to be dealt with, but not a single budworm was found.....? Maybe they were all in the 2 plants the rippers got, hope so. Hope they catch Herpes as well.




Well-Known Member
hows that urkel / og cross smell like grapes of more kushy? it sure looks good !! even alot of the leaves on around those buds look really thick and crystally like i wont lie ill smoke the shit out of those kinda sugar leafs haha


Active Member
hows that urkel / og cross smell like grapes of more kushy? it sure looks good !! even alot of the leaves on around those buds look really thick and crystally like i wont lie ill smoke the shit out of those kinda sugar leafs haha
When it was a few weeks into flower it smelled really fruity, like ripe blueberries. About 7 weeks in, it smelled a little like rubber or plastic....?? Now it's kind of a mix of the two. I really hope the fruit comes back in curing. The buds are hella fluffy, that's why I'm waiting so long-trying to wait em out. They've tightened up a bit and a sample from 2 weeks ago tightened up while drying. It's a dreamy, happy high so far but that will change I'm sure.
I'll throw in a pic of the 2 week old sample buds since I'm giving such an overly thorough reply.....that's a ukcheese bud in there for scale.



Well-Known Member
When it was a few weeks into flower it smelled really fruity, like ripe blueberries. About 7 weeks in, it smelled a little like rubber or plastic....?? Now it's kind of a mix of the two. I really hope the fruit comes back in curing. The buds are hella fluffy, that's why I'm waiting so long-trying to wait em out. They've tightened up a bit and a sample from 2 weeks ago tightened up while drying. It's a dreamy, happy high so far but that will change I'm sure.
I'll throw in a pic of the 2 week old sample buds since I'm giving such an overly thorough reply.....that's a ukcheese bud in there for scale.
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did you get any clones of that??