Hot Butter Bhang (Drink)

One gram is definitely not enough, but it tasted fine to me. So if I try again, would use 3. But it really smelled so I can't imagine how strong the odor would be.


Well-Known Member
just make bhang thandi or bhahng lassi, its better, better for you, and doesnt sound so nasty. to make bhang powder simply put your buds in a brand new coffee grinder and make green powder. that is all bhang powder is, i will be in kumbah melah 2-2-13 and will make lots of hd vids to show everyone how cannabis works in india. anyone who wants to coordinate and make the pilgrimage. you are welcome to join


Bhang is a preparation from the leaves and flowers (buds) of the female cannabis plant, smoked or consumed as a beveragein the Indian subcontinent.
1/2 ounce cannabis
1/8 pound butter
8 ounces vodka
1 tablespoon honey

In a medium saucepan, melt the butter over medium heat. Add the cannabis, which should be ground up into a fine powder, and the vodka. Bring the mixture to a boil, stirring the entire time. Once boiling, reduce heat to medium-low and let sit for 10 to 30 minutes, or overnight. Strain the mixture and let cool to room temperature. Add honey to taste, and serve in a glass.


Well-Known Member
not too sure where you got that recipe. most hindus don't drink vodka. if you want bhang recipes look in indian cooking sites. look for holi, diwali, or shivratri recipes. look for bhang in prasad or festival food. they're simple recipes.

I cannot find Bhang Ladu.


Well-Known Member
Bhang is a traditional drink of Mahashivratri and Holi. This drink is made with Bhang (cannabis) leaves. It is mixed with milk (thandai) or made as lassi. Check out the bhang lassi [FONT=inherit !important][FONT=inherit !important]recipe[/FONT][/FONT] for Holi or mahashivratri.

Bhang lassi recipe:


2 cups yogurt
' ounce cannabis
' cup sugar
1 tsp vanilla/rose essence
1 pinch saffron
ice cubes

Directions to make bhang lassi recipe:

1. Boil water in a pan and add cannabis. Mix for 7-9 minutes and then strain. Grind the cannabis to make a smooth paste.

2. Blend yogurt with water in a blender until smooth. Now add the cannabis and sugar. Blend till sugar dissolves.

3. Now add vanilla/rose essence, saffron and ice cubes and blend.

4. After blending, add [FONT=inherit !important][FONT=inherit !important]almond[/FONT][/FONT] slices and pour in glasses.

Bhang lassi recipe is ready to drink. Enjoy the chilled drink this Mahashivratri and Holi.

Bhang Thandai

Bhang Thandai is a delectable drink, relished during spring.


• 2-3 tsp cannabis
• 2 Cups warm whole milk
• 1/2 Cup sugar
• 4 tbsp Almonds, chopped
• 1/8 tsp Ginger, powdered
• 1 Pinch garam masalaProcedure:

• Bring water to a boil in a teapot and add cannabis to it.
• Brew for about 7 to 10 minutes, then strain. Allow to cool.
• Gradually grind the strained cannabis along with 2 tbsp of milk, repeat this process several times.
• Strain the milk into another bowl and keep aside.
• Add a little more milk to the cannabis and grind it along with the almonds, repeat this several times.
• Remove the cannabis and pour the milk into a container.
• Combine ginger, sugar, and garam masala with it, keep stirring.
• Serve Chilled.

Bhang Lassi:
• 1/2 Ounce cannabis
• 2 Cups warm whole milk
• 1/2 Cup sugar
• 1 tbsp Coconut milk
• 1 tbsp Almonds, chopped
• 1/8 tsp Ginger, powdered
• 1 Pinch garam masala
• 1/2 tsp Grenadine
• 1 Cup water
How to make Bhang Lassi:
•Bring water to a boil in a teapot and add cannabis to it.
•Brew for about 7 to 10 minutes, then strain.
•Gradually grind the strained cannabis along with 2 tbsp of milk, repeat this process several times.
•Strain the milk into another bowl and keep aside.
•Add a little more milk to the cannabis and grind it along with the almonds, repeat this several times.
•Remove the cannabis and pour the milk, coconut milk, grenadine and boiled water into a container.
•Combine ginger, sugar, and garam masala with it, keep stirring.
•Bhang Lassi is ready to serve.

I cannot find a bhang ladu recipe, if anyone does they're a bollywood rockstar!

learn about further meaning of bhang:



Active Member
Tried this today with 3.5 grams of sugar leaf trim and Absolut. Just got it down the hatch, awaiting the results!