Hot Knives!


100% Authentic A$$Hole
Rofl, we can buy oil here in a bottle....

put the lighter underneath the glass bottle and it starts melting.... :)

And btw. Oil is extremer than Opioum, Marijuana :P, Hash :P, Cocain aso....

No shit i got tested on it once, and they told me i could of died :P:P:P rofl.... its as worse or even worse than Opium... I look'd at my parents ( came to pick me up ^^ * imbarasing* ) and was like WTF ?!

hehe we all had a little grin on our faces, we were like yea yeah...


what kind of "oil" are you referring to


Well-Known Member
nice oil... thats the craziest way I've seen yet...Very much like meth...weird..
it probably works like a hot damn.


Well-Known Member
I think I need to change my underwear.........
Damn fdd, Is that bud oil or just bunk....butane or icy?
you get any cherry oil from that......fuck i love cherry oil


Well-Known Member
any oil...Hash oil, cherry oil, honey oil....caster oil, motor oil....mmmmmmmmmmm 5w30 I love you...

My all time favorite though is 3-in-1 oil...good for what ail's you


Well-Known Member
Yeah man penzoil all the way!!
God damn i thought it was going to stay warm and sunny out here for while been waking up to seeing frost on the grass :cry:


Well-Known Member
Crazy ass I Live on Mill rd........LOL i love westwood area!
used to work at the jinglepot general store....
bet ive seen


Well-Known Member
im staying by townsite right now..weird ud think you hve frost if i did down here jinglepot usally gets like twice as much weather.


Well-Known Member
I know, higher up the mountain and all that shit. I'm on the old part by the 3rd street connector. I walk buttertubs with the wife every once in a while. You not the guy that asked me what the zig-zag whites where for about 3-4 months ago where you. I'm at JP store all the time.


Well-Known Member
that wouldnt have been me. i always said "rolling tobacco Eh..." lol
I love and hate nanaimo at same time..too much voilence and drugs..IE downtown/harewood.
Small World eh....


Well-Known Member
Yeah I hear you. That probably was you that asked cause I think that is how the conversation went down. Harewood's getting cleaned up a little bit now though. the city is trying to restore a good portion of the old city.

Do you still wok there? do you go to mala or anything like that?


Well-Known Member
not anymore looking for you know of any? finishing up my grade 12 at ndss..then goin to mala..for somesort of trade...prolly tirework..


Well-Known Member
Hope you like to smell awful..:)
Construction is good, but the industry will burn itself out here in about ten years.
Welders are always in high demand. Same with boiler-makers.
I hear the culinary arts program is one of the best in B.C. if not Canada.
Take a business program. All you need is grade 12 math and english, on top of that the courses are cool, and the girlies are smoking hot..:)


Well-Known Member
yeah ive been thinking of culinary its just..when i make food i want to eat it myself....but i have been leaning that way..unless i can find someone who will aprentice me for a trade.yeah college, girls drinking smoking... ah yes good ol' college time for experimenting....i dont know if i have anything else to "experiment" with lol..