Hot Knives!


Well-Known Member
All i know is that when I was fresh out of high school I jumped right into the work force..It was one of the biggest mistakes I could have made. What ever you do go to some sort of post secondary institution. It'll suck for a while but it is better than having to retrain later on...

Oh yeah, and the girls are all hot.. can't stress that enough..:)


Well-Known Member
Yeah prolly go that way.but at this time in need a job now....need pot, lights, nutes and alotta other stuff lol ive been soo bored lately plants dont grow fast enough....


Well-Known Member
If you have a car I know of a truss plant in Errington that is probably hiring. Not much probably 10/hr to start.


Well-Known Member
Do only grow in the PC or do you give them windowsill time...?
cause im trying to give them as much "real" sun as they can, better or worse than 2 26watt cfls?


Well-Known Member
I don't give any natural light what so ever. I just use my bulbs.
Speaking of which, I got 1 26w and 1 42w 6500k that I could trade you if you want..:)


Well-Known Member
....intresting i know that one of my 26s is like gonna die any time what what would you want in exchange?


Well-Known Member
maybe a little bit of weed seeing as how I'm out and broke till the weekend. Say 1-1.5 grams..
It's a good deal for the bulds. the 42w was like $12 on its own.


Well-Known Member
well im kinda broke aswell and i just finished scraping a couple hotknive hoots, but if i do come across money ill get you some of the funk i get
from my dealer...and ill msg you on RIU:blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
yeah, theres a million of them...
I'm partial to Bizzled though..I don't know why?
or Fucking Mangled is always cool..:)


Well-Known Member
Noice Noice
yeah there alot of my favs i dont think i should might find "Racist")
but those are two new ones


Well-Known Member
ive been thinking im might throw my plant in to a PC box i have sitting in my room :mrgreen:instead of usin cardboard box from my speakers:-?even though it seems to working fair enough

but yeah mine are doing well

the camera made it look like the top leaves are yellow but there green as can be


Well-Known Member
Thats awesome man. I'd throw at least two of them into a pc case and then train the shit out of them. Or put them in the closet like you where saying..


Well-Known Member
how big is you pc?
L 17in
W 7.5in
H 16in
bigger than my box:mrgreen:
just finished cleaning it out....fuck i hate rivets......45min and 5cuts later im done...