Hottest RIU Men of 2011

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Well-Known Member
OH FUCKING K you wanted a sign here it is.........cant fucking believe im doing this..........took shirt off just ya ladies so you better appreciate this shit.................fuck IM so stoned and this is only way I could post.....ripped on my ass..............OK GIRLS OF RIU this is a first from me and LAST hahahahah



Well-Known Member
You get a date with the winner of the RIU ladies contest a dinner for 30....we all are comeing to watch LOL
hehe cant see Mr kitty being too up for me taking his gorgeous lady out lol, plus there is the small matter of being about 4000 miles away lol


Well-Known Member
OH he is the Chaparone.....just an excuse for everyone to meet and get stoned LOL.......maybe we can take up donations for you to get an airplane ticket LOL........damn Im stoned and sitting here planning a cool party YES to being stoned LOL


Well-Known Member
a smoke `over the pond` sounds quite cool, not been to the states yet, hell im in if i can find a suitable pic, it wont have RIU in it thoas i havent got a camera atm so it jus whatever i can find in pics on the pc lol
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