the story of the plant is as follows. I bought some weed at a dispensary and there were 3 seeds in the bag. 2 of the seeds were kind of ugly and cracked but the 3rd was really pretty and nice. well, i planted all of them. I didn't know I shouldn't plant at a weird time of year like November so I planted in Nov and all 3 sprouted. I transplanted them into 3-gallon containers and left them on my balcony. I didn't fertalize or take care of these plants at all. I kept the pretty one seperate from the others. Just to see if the pretty seed was stronger. One sprout keeled over and died. The other was lookin strong but it got mold on the soil and I didn't want the mold to effect the 3rd so I poured it over the balcony, baby plant and all. I planted them in a soil called Kelloggs lol. It was the cheapo patio soil at Home Depot but I plant tomatoes and herbs in it before and they turned out well. Anyways, a month or 2 later, I went outside, we had tons of rain and cold in CA, surprisingly the plant I had was about 2 feet tall and looked like it needed attention. I went on google and read and that's how I found this site. Anywayz, I went to the hydro shop and the doods said I needed fertilizer so I got some. I put pix on RIU and I was informed that she was female. Then I decided to veg the plant to wait for fall but it was too much trouble bringing it inside and outside, BF didn't lke it and gave me a lot of shit, wouldn't stop complaining. So I put it back outside and let nature take it's course. Things are OK but it's progressing very slowly. That's why I decided to put her in the closet with some light. of course when i went to the light store the controlling guy who works there was being a prick and telling me which bulbs i can buy...
anyway, to realy understadn the situation you have to see this:
she's not progressing much

She's an OG Fire Kush and I was told to expect a hermie because of bag seeds. that's why I don't want to spend much $. Plus i am cheap.
hope this clears up the situation with the plant
I live in CA and I can go buy a clone for $10 down the street. that sounds easier for me but i will wait a month or 2 before doing so.Next time I will have more luck outside because there will be stronger summer sun.