How are my ten day old seedlings looking??


Well-Known Member
if u in soil like bio bizz all mix ...the nutes inside will sustain it for between 3-5 weeks ul just need to add some epsom salts at say when u start seeing a mag def about 4 week in.......just transplant it when u hav a decent root mass...into say a 2l or their final pot...u wont need to nute for a long time yet....some strains can hack alot of nutes from 2 week in...but its always best to err on the side of caution...i killed four of my blu cheese after two weeks by givin them half strength nutes that was too much for them...itl be trial and error im afraid if its ur first grow....all the advice u get on here is practically worthless without decent info and careful who u listen to and read read read.....hope this helps bro....

edit...i see ur in plagron light mix....u should be ok for 2-3weeks....epsom salts wen u see a mag def....i wouldnt start nuting till u see visible signs of a defficiency ....otherwise i would giv quarter strength nutes...make sure ur ph is 6.5 and ur golden,also leave ur tap water if thats wat u use for atleast 24hrs to let the chlorine evaporate as this can lock out mag....some say 36hrs...just giv it a good stir when u gonna water to get some oxygen back in there...


Thats a couple of better pics started feeding the 1 whos first leaves look dead with a mild canna vega 2nite 2 c how it reacts......fingers crossed:leaf:babiesat 13 days 001.jpgbabiesat 13 days 002.jpgbabiesat 13 days 003.jpgbabiesat 13 days 004.jpgbabiesat 13 days 005.jpgbabiesat 13 days 006.jpg


Well-Known Member
Umbre they need re-potting , that is some serious stretch going on , you can re-pot them into slightly larger pots and bury some of the stem with no ill effect ,
i really would ,
They also need a light blowing fan to strengthen those stems ,
you will struggle if you dont ....


2 Paradise seeds Wappa and a Nirvana seeds Ice....cant tell which is which as never labelled them lol.....when should they b repotted in to bigger pots?? and how do they look lolbabiesat 13 days 007.jpgbabiesat 13 days 008.jpg


magic Clonex Ill get it done once soil dries out a little then as that article u sent me suggests.


Well-Known Member
u need to repot them because of the stretch as the people above recommend....dont do it when its dried out ...water it a little and do it when the soil is still moist as this will hold it together otherwise some of it will fall away...especially the top layer of soil...i really would be careful adding nutes at this point...when u repot bigger ur technically giving it more nutes anyway as in fresh soil...ur biggest enemy at this point is yourself...lower the light...if u got cfl it can get 2-3 inch away depending on wattage....just water it when the soils dry....i wouldnt hav a fan on them at this point maybe blowing but not directly on them....just so they twitch a bit every now and then...i wouldnt bother foliar feeding either.....this will just cause u more probs if u dont kno what ur doing in the long run


repoted 2 of them earlier checked them a few hours ago and they looked kinda limp then checked them there and they seem to have perked up.....hope i have not fkd these 2 up...AGAIN


checked them there and they look fine thankfully so re potted other 1 and lowered lights and have fans on temp is at 25c constantly although humidity is slightly high at 65


looking good decepticon . repotting myne will hopefully make a diference.....i checkd your journal thats looking mint!!


Active Member
pppppp 009.jpgpppppp 010.jpgpppppp 011 - Copy.jpgThis is day 7 sense sprouting and I have a 250wmh about a foot(30cm) away. So u say staight water until those smooth leaves yellow? I did not know this. After planting I fed her nutes like a normal plant plus I water a couple times a day at first. This is my first seedling.

View attachment 2044240View attachment 2044241View attachment 2044243I bought this from a dispensary. It was about a foot tall. She's my baby. She's about a month away from harvest.


Well-Known Member
No, not straight water until the leaves yellow. Once she's about 3 weeks old with multiple leafsets, she is ready for LIGHT nutes or soil with nutes in it that's not too heavy. Start on the low end and work your way up. You do not need to wait until they are yellow -- if they are a very deep green with no obvious signs of deficiency they most likely do not need any N


My babys at 13 and 16 days lol....i know they are still a bit stretchy but they are a lot better. The 1 with blue tape on pot is the 1 thats bn gettin a mild dose of canna vega and although showed slight yellowin of leaves at the start this has cleared up. ph is 7 on them all and all are between 6.9 and 7.9 for moisture....temp is 25c and hummidity is 50. I have 2 fans on which will hopefully strengthen stemsbabiesat 15 days 001.jpgbabiesat 15 days 007.jpgbabiesat 15 days 004.jpgbabiesat 15 days 006.jpgbabiesat 15 days 003.jpg


babiesat 15 days 002.jpgbabiesat 15 days 005.jpgbabiesat 15 days 008.jpgbabiesat 15 days 009.jpgthe 1 by itself is still awful stretchy but hopefully b okay.....2 fans are on but not directly on them........should i have them directly on them????have a 6 inch clip on and a 9 inch desk fan and theres a spare 6 inch 1 should i have that on also????