ok so here are some new pics of all 5 including the 2 traumatized seedlings that are looking much much healthier and greener than the 2 sickly looking ones that havent been traumatized
everything i have at the moment is very temporary i have new soil, new lights, new pots food etc coming on monday but i wanted to post some pics and get some opinions on their condition. the first 4 pics are of the 3 that are in the white pot 2 of which look somewhat sickly yet still green and still growing the other looks pretty healthy (i think). the last 2 are pictures of the two plants which i was sure i accidentally killed by traumatizing them twice at such an early stage in their life but they seem to be doing very well the stems are very sturdy and they are a much much darker green than the other 3 in the other pot.. at the moment both pots have two different kinds of unknown soil.. though the soil in the orange pot looks much much nicer and is very fluffy and im assuming thats why those two seedlings are doing much better than the other 3.. but any opinions concerns or questions would be helpful and very appreciated. Thanks RIU and happy new year!