How are things looking?

9 am check up today, and I got a snap instead of a bend on a lower level stem.
Dever homie is coming over to help trim this Thursday though the weekend. $150 for a round trip ticket, so cheap, and I've got a nice room all set up lol.
ouch ive been skimming through your posts and you got budrot? if you google it says budrot is a type of mold and starts within the plant and works its way outside so the inside of your plant is infested with budrot and its a mold.... my last grow i threw a entire 7ft tall plant away because it got budrot. i dont think smoking mold is a smart idea. im so sorry that this happened to you. if i was you i would throw everything away and start over your health is more important than getting stoned. just keeping it 100.
ouch ive been skimming through your posts and you got budrot? if you google it says budrot is a type of mold and starts within the plant and works its way outside so the inside of your plant is infested with budrot and its a mold.... my last grow i threw a entire 7ft tall plant away because it got budrot. i dont think smoking mold is a smart idea. im so sorry that this happened to you. if i was you i would throw everything away and start over your health is more important than getting stoned. just keeping it 100.
There are several forms of bud rot, most of the time in my area, it is isolated, damage from bud worms. You just remove the damage, maybe spray some form of H2O2 on the area and move on. I have seen botrytis just a couple of times, the gray mold hidden inside buds and found later, and is much more systemic, but didn't always ruin the entire plant. I have never had an outdoor plant that didn't have at least a few damaged buds here and there, just like I have never had a garden where there wasn't at least some fruit damage.
ouch ive been skimming through your posts and you got budrot? if you google it says budrot is a type of mold and starts within the plant and works its way outside so the inside of your plant is infested with budrot and its a mold.... my last grow i threw a entire 7ft tall plant away because it got budrot. i dont think smoking mold is a smart idea. im so sorry that this happened to you. if i was you i would throw everything away and start over your health is more important than getting stoned. just keeping it 100.
Yup. Them weeds'll grow but the hard part is keeping the mold out if you're in humid conditions.
ouch ive been skimming through your posts and you got budrot? if you google it says budrot is a type of mold and starts within the plant and works its way outside so the inside of your plant is infested with budrot and its a mold.... my last grow i threw a entire 7ft tall plant away because it got budrot. i dont think smoking mold is a smart idea. im so sorry that this happened to you. if i was you i would throw everything away and start over your health is more important than getting stoned. just keeping it 100.

As mando said, every crop has some amount of rot, unless you live in some perfect world. In my op you don't throw the baby out with the bath water.

I have been growing for over 13 years and in the past 3 years, I started to have an allergy to cannabis. It's the worst when I'm trimming or if I go into a dry room. I sneeze for 10 minutes straight and my eyes water. It sucks! Now all my outdoor buds are washed before drying. This helps remove all the crap that is stuck to the buds. It's possible I wasn't even allergic to cannabis but the crap like pollen and dust that gets stuck to the flowers. Who knows but life sucks sometimes lol
Feeling all better? How's the cure coming along?
Still coughing but otherwise, feeling okay. Trying to get the last finishing touches on all my costume pieces for the Halloween day Tool concert. It's almost all I can think about, haha.

I've got more trimming to do but the buds that are left are small and my motivation wanes. I'm thinking of just throwing it all, untrimmed, into a grove bag and storing it with the others. I still have a little more drying in the room which is fine because the Grove bags specifically instruct to store at 60%/60° ... so I'm doing my best to adhere. I go shake the bags up every day, they seem to settle after a day and I want to make sure there's enough air between each precious nuggie. I open a bag sometimes to smell, it still doesn't smell like classic "weed" to me yet, I wonder if it will ever.

I'm going to the show as a vampire queen and these fangs have been a crazy job start to finish lol.
Still coughing but otherwise, feeling okay. Trying to get the last finishing touches on all my costume pieces for the Halloween day Tool concert. It's almost all I can think about, haha.

I've got more trimming to do but the buds that are left are small and my motivation wanes. I'm thinking of just throwing it all, untrimmed, into a grove bag and storing it with the others. I still have a little more drying in the room which is fine because the Grove bags specifically instruct to store at 60%/60° ... so I'm doing my best to adhere. I go shake the bags up every day, they seem to settle after a day and I want to make sure there's enough air between each precious nuggie. I open a bag sometimes to smell, it still doesn't smell like classic "weed" to me yet, I wonder if it will ever.

I'm going to the show as a vampire queen and these fangs have been a crazy job start to finish lol.
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I only had 4 plants to trim the last 2 nights and by the end of #3 last night, the amount of small buds that went straight into the trim bowl started rising drastically. Haha. By midway through the 4th plant, I was tossing more in the trim bowl than the finished pile.
Barred rocks? I keep barbu de watermael and barbu d'anvers. My rooster recently perished but I've got some eggs in the incubator hatching *right now* lol.
They don't eat anything they can't reach with a mild stretch which might be 8 inches off the ground, lol. Out of sight out of mind I guess. I keep hardware cloth guards around anything I don't want them destroying. I took the guards off the cannabis for pictures :)
Nice colors on chix but yea your good to put in ground. Learn also about topping plant before flowering seeing those hairs. Just pinch top right off few times in begginng when plants couple months old to let lower branches to receive energy and promote bushy plants. Really important too outside plants need to be trimmed underneath for air flow stuff that's small branches so no powdery mildew and bud rot set in. Just stick with this site we got you.
Hope you're back to 100% Did you get a final dried, cured, and trimmed weight from your harvest?
Hope you're back to 100% Did you get a final dried, cured, and trimmed weight from your harvest?
Haha... I have Covid!! I tested positive on Monday. It's savage, man. I thought I was gonna die. I'm past the fever and into "all your face holes are leaking". I guarantee I got it from some sick fuck at the Tool concert. I'm gonna blame the two fuckheads behind me that would not stop talking the whole show.

I got just shy of 4 pounds *all trimmed up sitting in grove bags. I'm already smoking it. It keeps getting better every time.
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Haha... I have Covid!! I tested positive on Monday. It's savage, man. I thought I was gonna die. I'm past the fever and into "all your face holes are leaking".

I got just shy of 4 pounds ago trimmed up sitting in grove bags. I'm already smoking it. It keeps getting better every time.
Sorry to hear about the Covid. Hopefully that passes quickly. Great job on the yield. Can't wait to see what next year holds for ya!!
Sorry to hear about the Covid. Hopefully that passes quickly. Great job on the yield. Can't wait to see what next year holds for ya!!
I dunno about next year. I posted my harvest to reddit and got torn for having my plants in "public view", ie, my immediate neighbors can see my plants from their second story windows. Honestly I really thought my setup was fine, my whole property has a 6 foot privacy fence with locks at the gates. What more can I do. Someone said a drone could see my plants and get me in trouble, like no fucking shit? Someone can just fly a drone over my back yard as "public viewing" and get bunched panties to see my plants I guess?? Idfk. The language in the legalese I read doesn't clarify any of that shit but it pisses me off to see people argue it. Maybe over the winter there will be more clarity. That or these people commenting are just jealous and petty over how big and beautiful my plants got.
I hope you feel better soon. Impressive haul you made; have you found many seeds?. As for Reddit, did your neighbors care or complain? There are no penalties associated with the new law, I suppose the neighbors could complain and the police might talk to you but that didn't happen, this year anyway.

Who talks at a Tool concert anyway?
I dunno about next year. I posted my harvest to reddit and got torn for having my plants in "public view", ie, my immediate neighbors can see my plants from their second story windows. Honestly I really thought my setup was fine, my whole property has a 6 foot privacy fence with locks at the gates. What more can I do. Someone said a drone could see my plants and get me in trouble, like no fucking shit? Someone can just fly a drone over my back yard as "public viewing" and get bunched panties to see my plants I guess?? Idfk. The language in the legalese I read doesn't clarify any of that shit but it pisses me off to see people argue it. Maybe over the winter there will be more clarity. That or these people commenting are just jealous and petty over how big and beautiful my plants got.
Yeah, fuck those people. Do you. You didn't have any issues this year with neighbors, right? That's when it was new and normally will be the most issues. Reddit is the fucking wild west. While it's chock full of info, it also has its fair share of trolls. I wouldn't put too much weight on it.