how bad do tent grows smell?


Well-Known Member
I was planning on getting a couple of dr100s with adequate carbon filters, and fans. I was just wondering generally how bad do the grows smell on the outside of the tent? I know that's a fairly vague question, but I'm just trying to get an idea of whether a couple 3x3 tents in full flower are going to wreak really bad.


Well-Known Member
Depends on a few things; humidity (over 80% stops carbon filter working), fan/filter/ducting arrangement (no leaks), strain, etc. Iv heard some people say the carbon filters are great and some people say they're not so much...this is my first grow that Iv bothered with carbon filters, my entire apartment just smelt of AK47 for that year,so I cant tell you how great they actually are myself.

What you could do is buy one powerful fan and use a Y splitter to cool both tents, thats what Id do.

Tee Five

Active Member
The only time that the smell gets strong enough to make an impression is when I harvest . When i clip' em....I can smell it out in the drive way.

But i never had a need for a CF (during the rest of the grow). Only when I harvest.

...but thats just speaking for my strain ( Belladonna)


Well-Known Member
I'm currently growing in a tent and I can tell ya, your area will reek of MJ without some odor control. I just moved 4 flowering plants to another location and my truck reeked of that wonderful odor.....but I had not smelled any hint of it while in the tent with exhaust going through a carbon can.....Personally I like the smell but it's not very stealthy to let it smell up your area.


Well-Known Member
I have a small tent with only 2 in flowering. The huge carbon filter does great until the last week, I've got bubblegum going and it's overpowring the filter now.


Well-Known Member
if you have sufficiently sized fans and filters, most of the smell will be contained. there is a slight residual odor that can be taken care of with ona or ozeum. i have an automatic air freshener dispenser that sprays ozeum every 30 min. these measures remove all detectable smell. some strains are more stinky than others though.