How do cops find marijuana with helicopters?

Do cops use helicopters to detect indoor grows in Pennsylvania? If so what measures can be taken to prevent detection?

Do a youtube search for "never get busted." An ex-narc cop and heli pilot was nice enough to tell you everything the fuzz uses to detect grows.

This nonsense about heat sigs and color spectrum bullshit is just that, bullshit. The narcs used to use propaganda back in the 80's about being able to detect grows with these methods to deter ppl from growing. it's all been proven bunk lies by several ex-narc agents spilling the beans.

Go watch the vids.
Its the "Shade" of green the MJ plants have especially when in groups. They look for Uniform Planting in rows.. They also have a nice ZOOM function on their camera. Say Cheese.
I find it hard to believe that with the exception of real large commercial grows, that police would waste fuel, time and money looking for the average Joe's personal outdoor grow
There is a space station, further out than the one we have been told of. On it is very advanced cannabis detecting equipment for this very purpose. The Helicopter relays gps information to the space station. The station canvases the area for plants, then sends back pictures of all of the plants to the Helicopter, along with a street address of anyone whom has visited those plants in 30 days, because the station keeps records of the entire known world for 30 days. They already know. They've always known. Hide.
wrong.........FLIR picks up heat signatures of LIGHTS, not MJ. outdoors they find it by spotting.
different heat signatures for different plants and distinctive colors.............please.
Down South, we sometimes use corn and pine trees to grow around, which also put off a helluva infrared sig, that makes it damn near indistinguishable from any IR sig that cannabis emits... Itz when the seasons change, and the surrounding vegetation changes colors, and the cannabis stays green, and/or the flowering has a different color than itz surrounding vegetation that makes them very noticable to the eye... We never have had a small, well-placed patch, or the lone female get detected using these, and other "masking" methods though, and always find a good full-sun area to let them live in... There r some wild varieties of plants that look really similar to cannabis from a distance that r also great as camo for a guerilla grow... I have even tied on fake flowers to the plants to throw off the appearance of the plants before...
Plus, having a good friend who used to work for the West TN Cannabis Eradication Task Force, who has long since been outta that crap because he couldn't do it anymore due to his heart telling him it was just wrong, helps, as he has given us so many pointers for stealth, itz unbelievable... He's actually a long-time grower and breeder, and many of the strains he helped to "eradicate" back when he was involved in that anti-cannabis biz, he has saved seeds from, and helped to continue their survival, by growing and breeding, and gifting seeds away to guys like myself... Same guy who gave me the Panama Red seeds I so treasure now... I just wish this area would see the light of cannabis reform, and pass the med bills that r still active as we speak for 2012, and lead the way for medical mj in the South and mid-South...
the color and shape of the plants is what gives em away in the woods. its real obvious when they fly over and a clearing shows up with dark green perfectly round plants in rows show. its easy to spot.
And when they're planted in nice rows, surrounded by weeds and trees.
I can help but tell all you that the anwser is right in front of your eyes a marajauna plant grows mini magnifying glasses all over it in the form of thc crystals these cause the plant to heat up exponentially and it is this added heat that allows cops to pick it up on infrared
I can't believe how stupid this is. They don't use infrared to detect grows. It's all visible to the naked eye. If you're in a helicopter and look down, no matter where you are...... Weed is easy to distinguish if it is actually growing. I think it is hilarious that some of you think trichomes on a plant have something to do with this as well as heat in general. This just goes to show you, while the internet has a lot of good information out there, some of it is false and misleading.