How do cops find marijuana with helicopters?

I did not get this info from the Internet and I quite possibly could be wrong but I've seen it with my own two eyes through an IR camera .... Oh and it makes sense to me like this cause I figure you don't water plants in full sun cause the droplets can magnify the light and burn the plant I am not into an argument it just seems like simple science to me unless you have seen mj with your own eyes through an IR camera don't even bother
We had a former cop on here and he said they use special color filters to make cannabis jump out. Having owned and used a spectrophotometer (and taken college chemistry) I know more than a little about color, reflection, absorption, and refraction. The FLIR is what the pigs *want* you to think they use but I doubt that's the truth; it's misinformation.
It's not the plants heat signature that their looking for all plants give off an absorb heat marijuana is not distinct in that matter. How ever when u dig up the soil for your babies more than likely u leave the top layer of soil exposed by removing the surround vegetation... Thus for the soil when absorb more great that any plant around making the exposed soil illuminate under infrared easy fix place lots of fresh vegetaion an leaves atop your soil after planting...
The soil Absorbs more heat than all vegetation around it if left exsposed cover your top layer of soil with fresh vegetation once plant is in the ground
Most of our plants are done in the fall. The same time the vegetation around them starts to brown and die off. I only put a couple plants in each spot so the dark green doesn't stand out too much. I also put them right next to small pines to blend in. Just make sure to use lot's of lime in your mix around pines. I've had copters and planes buzzing right over my plants and haven't been nabbed yet. Less is better. Good luck!
I know the pilot from our local sherrif dept. Every fall they fly over most of the rural parts of the county looking for grows. He told me they use electronics not visual spotters to find it. He said pot plants show up as blue on their screen and a single plant is detectable, although they dont pursue small grows. He doesn't know exactly what the machine picks up on since he is just the pilot but he can see the screen and said its VERY obvious when they find some, even a single plant. You cant hide it, they see it all. He said that they pursue maybe 1 out of 10 detections, only the larger grows.
i cant believe the stupidity in this thread. The ONLY way a helicopter can find a grow is if Chuck Norris is in it. His nose can dectect marijuana smell at .00002 parts per billion... so the cops just get him to fly along and sniff...

That is all.

We all know how the fail pick out grows with helicopters, this thread is from 2013 dude like where you been!
We all know how the fail pick out grows with helicopters, this thread is from 2013 dude like where you been!

Well, i just joined this site today so ive been like somewhere else, dude. As far as the other, im just passing along info that i know first hand to be true. Believe what you want. Its definitely no skin off my nose.
Im growing 5 plants outdoors please dont ask me where im from. Anyway im wondering how do cops find plants with helicopters do they jsut fly really low? or do something else iv heard about infared and what does that do?

to my blog on flir:
It's the color!

5 plants? Not in the wide open? Interspersed among local flora?

You'll be fine!

They're looking for the big growers! Lots of plants! Shit that stands OUT!

The thread does answer some folks concerns!
Even if it is an old one! (finally, a dinosaur thread worth a reboot)
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Marijuana needs lots of water & water cools the soil & is easy to see with FLIR. They use it in farms to look for water leaks. The police can fly around & look for wets spots where they shouldn't be.....................................................................................................................
I know the pilot from our local sherrif dept. Every fall they fly over most of the rural parts of the county looking for grows. He told me they use electronics not visual spotters to find it. He said pot plants show up as blue on their screen and a single plant is detectable, although they dont pursue small grows. He doesn't know exactly what the machine picks up on since he is just the pilot but he can see the screen and said its VERY obvious when they find some, even a single plant. You cant hide it, they see it all. He said that they pursue maybe 1 out of 10 detections, only the larger grows.

HMMM...I met this guy once...A.jpg He introduced me to this chick...B.jpg She was riding a...D.jpg

I wouldn't need a disguise for you would I? You admit to hanging with the pilot from the sheriffs dept. They would share that information with you, why?

"He said pot plants show up as blue on their screen and a single plant is detectable, im just passing along info that i know first hand to be true."

Some one telling you something is hardly first hand knowledge of truth. "The plants show up blue"
Of course they do they're magic, unlike any other plant on earth.
I'm breeding a strain that's transparent, but don't tell your boy at the sheriffs dept. Here's a pic.

I didn't want to get into details but he is my brother in law lol. He is well aware that i smoke, but i have my med card so im legal to smoke but not to grow
Local law enforcement agencies are not going door to door or using helicopters to FLIR every home in the country looking for a couple of cannabis plants. Unless you are growing on a bigger scale for commercial purposes and they get tipped off. Then maybe to gather evidence for an arrest. But, for the common 1 or 2 plant grower...unless you have a big mouth...the chances of getting busted are like a needle in a haystack.
Ya. Lol. You guys are right. Just grow it on your front porch. Why be careful? Its just against the law is all. You probably wont end up with a criminal record. Maybe put out a sign or something.
they have detect with helicopters that look for infa red heat signatures. the plant gives off heat. you should be fine as long as its in a good spread area, they say pine trees help throw off the heat sensors.

Lol that's about the most retarded thing I've ever read sorry. I thought you didn't realise he was grown out door but it looks like you did by saying to spread them out.

Police find plants because weed stands out so obvious from the air.