How do i hide the smell in the basement?


Well-Known Member
I was wondering what are the best techniques on hiding the odor in a grow room in the basement? Especialy during the curing stage


Well-Known Member
curing get mason jars you'll be good bra on dat note. flowering is a diff story a carbon filter or ozone gen will work (generator is very dangerous bra). Hiding aint good you want to get rid of the smell bra.


Well-Known Member
Assume in parents house? Activated carbon filters, ONA blocks, Ozone generators. I use all 3 and still get a bit of smell here and again.


Well-Known Member
na i own the house.

I was gonna finish half of the basement and grow 25 plants in the other half. but i dont want any guests smelling my grow room.

mostly I would want to get rid of the smell, but i dont know how to set up a good ventilation system in a basement.


Active Member
keep your area air tight
use an oz and make it clean
then use in the free flow clean air 2x air wick plug in fresh (whatever scent is custime to your house) and make it a mask scent


Well-Known Member
you may have a couple of different options for venting from a basement, some people use the chimney as a vent, some use the sewer cleanout, both will work. Other than those there isn't any difference if its in the basement or on the third floor.VV