Anyboddy help a retard figure how to find my posts or even answers and replies? It's me but non the less this site talks about more advanced techics. It hAs been a year on and off, but never figured it out. I did buy seeds though.
just like everything else people do .. the more u use it/practice it .. the better it will come to u ..
since u are asking questions liek that ... u shud pry go to the FAQ and spend the say there so u do not post the most generall of all questions .. some of the vets of the site find it irratating, and will be straight up rude lol ..
I remember back in the mid-90's I finally convinced my folks to go on the internet. Dad was very intimidated at first because he didn't understand how to use it. I had to remind him on several occasions, 'Dad, the only way you are going to learn it is to use it.'
He caught on and is now completely at ease online. And now he won't leave the house without either his netbook or laptop.