how do i test a digital ph meter


Active Member
i'm probably just going to buy a second one tomorrow, only have PH+ and minus kicking around. anything around the house that u may know the exact ph of?


Well-Known Member
I know lemon juice has a really low PH you could try making a solution of that and seeing if its calibrated right


Well-Known Member
Its like 7 bucks for buffer solution. Use that. You're going to need it anyways if you want to do monthly tests on your meter like you should.


Well-Known Member
Its very IMPORTANT when testing for a bad ph meter to test both ph buffer 7 AND ph buffer 4.01 or ph buffer 10. Reason for not using only the ph buffer 7 is that a ph probe that is out of solution "cant remember at the monent what the fluid in the probe is" but if it is out or low it will still read a ph 7 correctly or close to it. A ph of 7 is 0mv output to the ph meter. So nothing..... So always use a 4.01 or 10 when testing for a bad probe!

Like others have said. You can use lemon juice or windex to see if the probe is "functioning"


Well-Known Member
Vanishing Toaster: they're all giving you good advice but you might want to consider one other idea. General Hydroponics makes a little test kit with a bottle of pH up, a bottle of pH down, a test flask, a bottle of test solution and a color chart to compare the color of the sample you take to. If I start to doubt the results of my test meter the first thing I do is I take a sample and compare the two readings.

I always trust the test kit because it may be slower than the meter but the accuracy doesn't vary beyond my eye sight. If you;'re not color blind, it's an accurate test, but the real advantage of the meter is speed compared to the slower manual test kit. Also, if its been a couple of months then it's usually time to re-calibrate your instrument. I hope that helps. HSA


Active Member
went to the hydro shop to see about a new meter and he didn't have any till the next day so i bought a soil ph testing kit and got a peachy colour with the slightest green tinge, broken probe did lead to me giving them water without enough ph+ wanted to try and bring the soil back up.
went bk in the next day and they hadn't arrived and wouldn't for a month, he did have a bluelab ph pen he did me a deal on tho. my original meter was a cheap 20 quid job. hopefully this one was worth the extra buck. got some ph7 to calibrate it, he didn't have any 4......organised as any typical stoner would be lol