How do these look?

Mr Bud

Well-Known Member
alright, but you will want to seprate them asap because you do not want the roots to get tangled.


Global Mod, Stoner Chic
I agree, they look good but separate them now. They both could be in smaller pots for now. Maybe 3/4 or 1/2 that size.


Active Member
alrite so they look healthy and everything? there out in the sun all day all night. Do you think they will be ok it starts getting cold in like 2 and ahalf months


Well-Known Member
na man, you might have only a couple good colas, but you might as well keep them outside. also make sure you have drainage in the pots.


Active Member
They look a little too close, to me. I agree , move them before the roots get tangled


Active Member
I just moved them in a 4 foot tall by 2 foot wide plastic thing. I put them under a light. at 18/6 for veg and i put them into 2 small flower pots. will these light work? its a 120 W Phillips agro-lite from home depot. it said it was for indoor plant growth.