How do u make butter?


Active Member
I give mine a swirl every 20min or so and about every hour add 1/4oz to 1/2oz of water depending on how it looks. as for that rasberry thing it's just a box in the cookie aisle. it's the shit!


Active Member
Hellz ya buddy imma try..Im stirring every 20-30 minutes and ive added alittle water so far..Im keeping a close eye on it for sure..Im gonna go to the store tomorrow and just go thru the baking aisle and get a bunch of stuff that requires butta lol..I have enough for anouther batch 2..


Well-Known Member
lol...So even putting the butter in a frying pan u will get a buzz of what ur cooking??Thats awsome if so..
Yes in a frying pan it WILL get you medicated, but it wont be as strong as if you made something like cookies with it. However if you go 4 hours like I do when making it, then its a GOOD thing that it is less strong in a frying pan. In a frying pan it still will be stronger then say 10 bongloads so not a big deal.

The problem I have is I want to use my Excess for Buttder, but I also want to turn it into hash with my bubble bags! one or the other will happen.
THANKS ALOT BRO FOR THOSE DETAILED INSTRUCTIONS IM GONNA DO IT TOMORROW I WILL HAVE MAYBE 6-7HRS to let the butter cook so it should be good..And thanks again really appreciate it..
The easier way, and more potent, is to melt 1 lb of butter in crock pot (I usually triple the recipe) and add 1 ounce of dried, finely ground trimmings (weed flour). Clamp on lid, use low setting and cook for 24 hours. There is no water to deal with later, which just dilutes your product and is messy. After 24 hours, strain your butter through a thick cheese cloth. All done.. As soon as mine is cool enough, I pour into those plastic disposable tubs and freeze, except for what I am going to use immediately. Depending on the strength of your crop, it will knock you on your butt if you have a good crop. If your weed is wimpy, you'll have to add more weed flour. It's easy, no stirring, no burning, just set it and forget it..