soil / rock wool / peat plugs - are all kind of a no brainer. Doing them in water is very doable. look up some hydro cloning videos on youtube.
If you feel like you have a fairly sterile environment, try abrasing the stem where it will sit in medium, and then place in a clonining gel or powder.
Steps I take:
Take cutting and place in cup of PH'd water
Look at the cutting and determin if trimming is needed.
trim larger fan leaves (if possible while still in the water) if need'd
Use serated kitchen knife to "break" the skin where my cloning gel will come in contact
Place in gel
Place in prepared medium
You wont always get a winner, but the best thing u can do is keep it waterd, if u have low humdidity (less than 60%) use a dome and spray it (not the plants) often, to keep the humidity up. and it always helps to take healthy clones to start with.