Talk with members around the same Latitude.Hi guys when trying new seeds out how do you work out if that strain will finish in the Area you live Before the bad weather settles in.
I believe the op is in the ukTalk with members around the same Latitude.
Seems like they have a tough go of it . Probably Autos I guessI believe the op is in the uk
Yes, I've had them easily survive 27 degrees. Lost most of the fans but the buds were fine. These were indicas though. You wouldn't want to try to run a real sativa unless you have a long growing season. Also if the breeder's say 8 weeks you can probably count on at least 10. I grew Sex Bud from Female Seeds for awhile. It's a fast running C-99, pretty consistent from seed, and finishes nicely in 8-9 weeks. Nice pineapple! Mid September for me.
If they are photos, your environment will do that work for your. With automatics, its about age, not lights.Hi guys when trying new seeds out how do you work out if that strain will finish in the Area you live Before the bad weather settles in.
If your in the uk check out realgorillaseeds they got strains fit for our climate for a start id say they the safest bet also unless you south of England id grow semi autos and autos but some photo strains will finish ok further north many wont needs to be hardy fast and botrytis resistant id say that really it depends what latitude you are at that dictates what you grow imoHi guys when trying new seeds out how do you work out if that strain will finish in the Area you live Before the bad weather settles in.
I don't even know if I understand my answer!Thinking you might of misunderstood ops question. Or I misunderstood your reply lol. I agree your location will determine when things go into flower but I think he’s asking about knowing if a strain will finish to true maturity in a given location.
We do Probably have something similiar but a lil different and you aint gonna see weed in it tho thats for sure unfortunatelyI don't even know if I understand my answer!I reread OPs question, and all subsequent responses. Yep, my advice was garbage, Ha. Sorry OP. I agree with prior comments about knowing the plant, do the research on the genetics, pure luck, and studying the farmers almanac when it comes to temperatures and weather. Come to think of it.... does the UK have a farmers almanac?
Well duh your not going to see weed in there. Well not at least for a few more years. But you'd still be able to study weather patterns, plant dates, historical data for crops etc. Its not going to spell it out for you, gonna have to do a little but of work on your end.We do Probably have something similiar but a lil different and you aint gonna see weed in it tho thats for sure unfortunately
That's a fantastic ideaAnother thing you can do bertie is look on a globe for other regions and zones similar to yours. One spot similar to my growing climate is i can talk to greece growers or, look at whats selling in greece, etc. If ur area doesnt have growers you can connect with like you need, there's other places.