How does this bud look?

Hey how does this look? Can anyone give me an estimated time of harvest for this from just the pic. It has been budding sine june 17. are those little balls seeds :(

IMG_0106.jpgIMG_0108.jpgIMG_0107.jpgIMG_0105.jpgIMG_0108 - Copy.JPG


You dont have any pistils do you? At each set of leaves do you have what seems like two balls? If both statements are correct, then, my have yourself a male plant there. Which means that all your hard work you have put into that plant was wasted.... I could tell you for real though if you can get a closer pic


Well-Known Member
Couldn't you make hash out of the plant if its male?

The pics are good but its too hard to tell, if possible, get pictures closer to the buds so we can get a good look in order to help you out better


You dont have any pistils do you? At each set of leaves do you have what seems like two balls? If both statements are correct, then, my have yourself a male plant there. Which means that all your hard work you have put into that plant was wasted.... I could tell you for real though if you can get a closer pic
Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuh Nooooooo! do some home work buckwheat


Well-Known Member
looks good. i'd say your about 5 to 6 weeks in flower. maybe 2 or 3 weeks left.
OP your answer was given the others really dont have a clue. Also those are not balls my friend they are calyxes you are seeing. Dirrtyd
Im about 5 weeks into flowering. Should i even worry about some nutrients to fatten these buds up or will they fatten up on their own? Anyone know?


Hey man.

There is no set day/week in every month for harvest. You should choose the best time. Nice big buds on this plant.

As for the harvest time, I am standing by the good-old "once 50-60% of the pistils turned red and the resin is still white, it's about time to cut her down". And your girl seems she has some weeks of nice flowering left :)
Thanks alistar can you tell from the pics if this is indica or sativa. It is much shorts then the rest of the plants, but i dont know if thats just because if flowered early or what.


Well-Known Member
yea wait untill 50 percent of the white hairs turn orange

good try though.

before you harvest your plants, you should always check the color of the trichs. Going by the color of the hairs to tell when to harvest, isn't correct.

However, I have heard of people waiting until the hairs on the plant, start to recede and die off.. before harvesting.. which I've never personally tried this.. but I could see how it could work.

But, going by the color of the hairs alone to judge when to harvest, is not the correct method.

Hopefully you just learned something. ;)

good luck.
View attachment 1051305<---- click the chart I posted. It gives you a better idea of what I'm talking about. Your welcome.
KICKASS chart ganjaluvr! thanks. I got a microscope that goes from 60x-100x but i didnt really know what i was looking for. Now i know. Thanks also, can you tell if that plant is indica or sativa?

the dankest

Awesome chart-- I didn't know that slight changes in harvest time could produce a different kind of high. Is that really true?

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
Awesome chart-- I didn't know that slight changes in harvest time could produce a different kind of high. Is that really true?
It is indeed, but the change in effects is not as balck and white as it is appears, it still largely comes down to the genetics of the plant. The changing of hair colour doesn't indicate that it's ready, but more that it is ripening.