how early can you top???


Active Member
The earliest you should top a plant is about 3/4 weeks, when it's reached 4 nodes. Then I would give the plant at least 2 weeks to heal and grow until I flower them.


LorDeMO is correct, 3/4 week minimum. If you want to limit the height, I suggest looking into LST (low stress training) which would make the plant grow out rather than up, certainly what you want.

hope I helped


New Member
The earliest you should top a plant is about 3/4 weeks, when it's reached 4 nodes. Then I would give the plant at least 2 weeks to heal and grow until I flower them.

lol i am in middle of my my forth week and plants are like 18" tall can i still top i got alot more then 4 nodes


Well-Known Member
no answer for whatever u asked...... but dont use clear pots its no good for ur roots. causes algea.


Active Member
hey was up i was wondering what was the earliest time you can top a plant and get a decent yeild..this is the space im working with what do you guys suggest??

first off a plant from seed and a clone are two different things when it comes to topping. the clone can be topped earlier than a plant from seed. i think growth rather then time is the deciding factor in general. check out this thread it should answer all your questions.


Well-Known Member
yea i already got rid of the clear pot..but i dont want to do lst because i think my pots are to small or are they ok?


Well-Known Member
im not familiar with supercropping but ill look it up..but what im not sure is that if ill be able to lst in my small pot


Active Member
with your height limitations,Grobo is right,your going to have to Lst or supercrop.If you just top em,you will run out of room.The good news is these teqniques work well.I personally supercrop and tie my plants and it works great.