how hard/dangerous repotting from "bad" soil to good?


Well-Known Member
Since my soil ph is in the acidic range and I'm seeing MG deficiency I'm wondering if I should repot into a new soil.

My current soil is peat, pine bark, vermiculite, perlite.

Does pine bark make raising ph really difficult?

I have dolomite and am using it but man, I sure wish it would raise the ph faster. I don't mean to be impatient but after giving the soil dolomite a couple times I would have thought it gets better, even by a little. Everything that goes in now is at 7.0, even the dolomite mix. It's just not reacting very fast.

So when you have a plant with around 10-12 branches(12-18" tall), is it hard to remove from one soil and transplant to another? I think it could be real easy to damage roots. Any suggestions on that? I looked in FAQ and did not see anything on this type of transplant.


Well-Known Member
they are very easy to repot. you can go take them out of the pot, throw them against the wall, stomp on them and then put them in a new pot. PH up and PH down is pretty easy, it comes in a bottle.