How I Get A Pound With 2 Plants!!!!!!!!VIDEO!!!!


Active Member
if you read any of this post ide be supprised, man i dont care what your shit looks like, ok, how could my reply been what you were expectin, its completely opposite from what i would have done, and if i were 22 how could i have ovr a decade of boxing when i clearly stated that i havent boxed in 8 years, i admit that my replies were out of frustation, but i apologized and hope to move on, now i got you for round 2, up until now, ive had excellent feedback on this thread, and yes there was a slight difficiancy, watch the new video from today, and its went away, it was light burn, not nute burn, but you know right, cuz youre here eveyday with my gro, THANKS!!!
Figured that would be the reply. If you're older than 22 id be surprised. You are far from the worst grower I've ever seen but your attitude will bite you in the ass. Telling you that from looking at your plants that they could be Healthier was supposed to be constructive criticism. You like everyone else should be trying to improve the deficient aspects of your grow.

Whatever though.
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These had some aphids and a funky Ph until I figured out a good medium for soil on top and perlite reservoir so they aren't perfect for sure be 8 weeks on Sunday...this is close to what leaves should look like near the end.


Well-Known Member
You got a lot of fucking growing up to do if you're over 30. Congrats on the best system ever. I'll try to burn and taco the shit out of my leaves next time.


Active Member
what makes this my system is that i fuckin own it! and i havent seen another like it, please find it!
So what exactly makes this YOUR SYSTEM? You're growing plants...under a light like thousands of others...and your plants don't even look healthy. You're over feeding and probably have Ph way the fuck out of whack. I can't believe those buds are growing optimally. So if your system is to nuke the fuck out of some plants in hope of a lb...sorry to tell you but newbies have been doing that for decades now. It's a disservice to post this in the newbie section because those who don't know better might copy you and you obviously don't know enough about growing to be teaching. 6 grows and you're a teacher now? IM no teacher and I've popped 6 grows in one year before. Guessing I may have been growing as long as you've been alive and grew up in a family that has been growing in N Cali since way.before it was was just life......yet I don't claim any system and won't give.advice.unless IM sure of it


Active Member
you bummed cuz i dont care about your bds, wel what were you expecting, im an advice gver, if someones got some good stuff for me then ill take it, im on the newie thread to inspire people, and i hope people try this and not listen to haters, like you, if there wa a defficiency then it was my fault, not the systems, so the system does not fail, the grower does, i was out of town and let them get too close to the light, my fault, but i dont need your advice on what they should look like, and what am i doing so wrong if ive had over a pound in the past, why you gotta get on here and be a hater like this, when im a good guy not trying to ruin anyones day, just sharing my sit like everyone else does!
You got a lot of fucking growing up to do if you're over 30. Congrats on the best system ever. I'll try to burn and taco the shit out of my leaves next time.


Well-Known Member
Looks like you put your time in with those ladies. Great job lollipopping them. I do the same thing concentrating on top colas. I see a few of those colas getting nice and fat. Good job.


Active Member
thank you kindly, i did have some upward leaf curling that ive taken care of an theyre starting to flatten ou now
Looks like you put your time in with those ladies. Great job lollipopping them. I do the same thing concentrating on top colas. I see a few of those colas getting nice and fat. Good job.


Active Member
lOOKing really nice man after a lil issue you seem right back on track. Dont worry about the haters. Keep posting tips n tricks and people will follow.


Active Member
you are one of th good ones, thanks lyk, thats why were friends, i had a little fun getting in the internet ''ring'' today, oh well, lol, everyone gets a rise, but right on man, were back on track and headed for a yield!!!!
lOOKing really nice man after a lil issue you seem right back on track. Dont worry about the haters. Keep posting tips n tricks and people will follow.


New Member
It will....that's'll prolly produce a lot more than that....hell it'll produce tons if u use it long enuf...but not a dry lb from one harvest w two plants....if so awesome and can't wait to see it.


Active Member
like i said also im done arguing, but why do you gotta keep going, btw the way thanks for keeping this thread on the front page, i appreciate that, why is it so hard for you to believe this WILL go a pound dry? i havent seen this much negatvty from anyone but you, alot of other people are possitive, i think youre an unhappy person thats jealous an im leaving no more comments t you, i tried to settle down and you wanna keep goin, im out!
It will....that's'll prolly produce a lot more than that....hell it'll produce tons if u use it long enuf...but not a dry lb from one harvest w two plants....if so awesome and can't wait to see it.


Active Member
done over a pound in this tent dry 3 out of 6 times, (with this system only) so you arent lying about anything, and its not what i wanna hear, its what you dont wanna hear, youre just fuckin trolling me, please go harrass someone that deserves it,i called peace on you several times now, please stop, i would rather not do this today
Do u want me to lie?....just tell u what u wanna hear?....I'm not gonna do either....


New Member
Harass u??? look back at some of the shit uve said to me....anything I've said to u has only been a response...u really think a lot of urself don't ur the only one aloud to talk shit n I'm just supposed to take it n shut up.....ha.....ur move


Active Member
fuck off.jpg this is about where im at with you right now,
Harass u??? look back at some of the shit uve said to me....anything I've said to u has only been a response...u really think a lot of urself don't ur the only one aloud to talk shit n I'm just supposed to take it n shut up.....ha.....ur move


Active Member
the shit ive said to you, i apologized for and called peace last night, you started in again today, so fuck you man!!!!!!!
Harass u??? look back at some of the shit uve said to me....anything I've said to u has only been a response...u really think a lot of urself don't ur the only one aloud to talk shit n I'm just supposed to take it n shut up.....ha.....ur move