How long do the nutes last once mixed?


Active Member
Using XNUTRIENTS GROW/BLOOM/MICRO (now just bloom/micro.) I mix them as the chart says, ie: 24ml bloom and 10ml micro in a gallon of water. Just curious how long the nute mixture stays good for. Do they disolve over time and become useless? Im using an Aerogarden and keep res filled to line by adding water from the mix a couple times a day as needed and usually go through about 1 gallon per week.


Well-Known Member
um.... i try to buy small bottles, ive noticed that some nutes will rot or end up with some penecillin type looking mold floating around in it.

pre mixing nutes is good, but dont do that for more than what your going to use in 1 day. adding acids to bases will end up nutralizing the 2 (sounds good right?), but it also creates salts as a byproduct.

if your using an aerogarden, id imagine its the same as any other DWC type set up, where theres a MAX amount of water (right under where the roots are) and a MIN amount of water (right above the top of the water pump). now if your adding water, to the max line, and by the end of the day, your under the MIN line, then that shit sucks, and you need to go get a nice DIY system. i recall that my DWC reservoir held enough water that adding more didnt have to happen more then once a week.

its up to you, but more water capacity means less work, as well as having a bit of a buffer in case you go heavy on some nutrient, or whatever


Active Member
I relized after I got my Aerogarden its not the right 1. But, this is my 2nd attempt (1st turned male, Im only using 1 seed because its a small unit) and she looks like she's going to start producing. Im finishing this 1 out and upgrading next time, just learning right now.

About 7 weeks from seed. Started 12/12 from seed. Pics were taken a few days ago.


Active Member
Scrap that aero garden get 9 1 gallon pots 3 rows of 3 and a 400w hps 12/12 from seed
In a perfect world my friend, hehe.
Im limited on space. I do want to get a HPS though. Ive more than doubled the light the AG comes with and added reflective paper behind it, added a bigger airstone, and scrapped the AG nutes.
Its fun to watch, exciting!


Active Member
Yea, when funds are right I plan on getting one. If I slowed down on smoking I probably could buy ALOT better set-up, but I dont see that in the cards. hehe


Active Member
I have a question related to this which i cant find an answer to. How long do nutes last once mixed if kept in a bucket at room temp (which varies from 71-75 approx) its a bit different as I am running a drip system with a 5gal the nute are not in contact with the plant roots like the reservoir question above. If its only a week i don't understand what the point was to me automating my drip watering system? I am using floranova nutes. veging now so the veg formula and the floralicious plus.
thanks in advance

Commander Strax

Well-Known Member
I have a question related to this which i cant find an answer to. How long do nutes last once mixed if kept in a bucket at room temp (which varies from 71-75 approx) its a bit different as I am running a drip system with a 5gal the nute are not in contact with the plant roots like the reservoir question above. If its only a week i don't understand what the point was to me automating my drip watering system? I am using floranova nutes. veging now so the veg formula and the floralicious plus.
thanks in advance
I am looking for the same answer


Well-Known Member
I have a question related to this which i cant find an answer to. How long do nutes last once mixed if kept in a bucket at room temp (which varies from 71-75 approx) its a bit different as I am running a drip system with a 5gal the nute are not in contact with the plant roots like the reservoir question above. If its only a week i don't understand what the point was to me automating my drip watering system? I am using floranova nutes. veging now so the veg formula and the floralicious plus.
thanks in advance

Most nutes once mixed will last up to 1 week.

If you add aeration to the storage container you can up that to about 2 weeks.

Most hydro growers recommend a complete dump and refill with nutes in a hydro res at least once every 2 weeks depending upon how much top ups in between you are doing.

For example
10 gallon res is being replenished 3 times a week with approx 3gallons each time. Then 2 weeks would be ok to dump and refill.

If that same 10gallon is only being replenished once a week with say 4gallons then once a week dump and refill.

Ultimately there are some nutrients that stipulate they must be used within 24 hours of mixing etc so always check bottles to be sure.

If it doesn't stipulate assume 1 week once mixed.



Well-Known Member
Just remember that algae is a water born you're fertilizing the algae in the water and it will bloom and grow logrythmicly...keep it in a dark area for storage to slow the process