How long roughly is a seedling shell supposed to pop off?


7 day old auto plants, i have 7 the shells are splitting two of them have popped up from soil with thick green stems the others still in soil and not grown yet, should the shells have come off by now. Was told to carefully pry them off but didnt want to risk it until ive had some advice from experienced growers. Thanks


Either they will or they won't. Be patient and make sure you didn't smother them with soil nor plant them too shallow, either.


Well-Known Member
I would try to remove it carefully..

I had one on my last run who came up of the soil but the seed shell was stuckd around the top, did`t want to mess with it so let it be, but it never dropd of, had to remove it after 5 days or so and the fist new grow lookd weird/curly, and it was small and behind the others all grow .. tho end result was nice, actually the best of them all in form of taste and high, not yield that was about the same in the end ..


Active Member
well you can always try spraying your plants with a water from a spray bottle. just to kinda soften up the shell. and pull it off with tweezers carefully ( just be careful since its seems like its glued on) . or just let it do its thing.. they tent to push them off anyways. Normally they only do this if its a little bit to shallow I find! So just plant a little tiny bit deeper next time! ( I find tell my pinky knuckle is efficient)


update on pics. 7 days should they be bigger. auto white cheese. auto blueberry and auto purple cheese
the shell casing looks to be on solid so i dont wanna risk trying to take it off and damaging them



Active Member
Yeah looks like you planted them just a little to shallow. give them a few days. Did you get impatient and dig them up kinda lol


No didnt dig these ones up, i did with 3 others and they dont seem to be growing at all not even brokefrom the soil think maybe those ones are dead