How long should i wait 2 TOP after I transplant???


Active Member
I jus translpanted my 4 plants to bigger pots and wanna wait so they get used 2 the new soil and dont wanna shock em 2 bad back 2 back from transplant then toppin right away if this makes since.....its been 5 days since i transplanted and they lookin healthy as ever...they ate jus sproutin there 4th node so i need 2 do this soon jus wanna make sure like said its not to soon and causin super shock and stunt the fuck outta them.....thanks


Well-Known Member
I usually top mine right after i transplanted. I do not fumble the root ball and I have yet to cause stress during a transplant that stunts the growth. Helps also if you utilize B-1 which is designed to minimize transplant shock.


From another nube....I did top my 1st plant and it did OK. Into 2nd grow now. Just transplanted 4 plants. Am not plannng to top at all for my small interior grow space. Just tie them down and try to keep them growing horizontal. Should I Top these plants or let them grow without topping?
3 - Big Bud and 1 - G13 Kush feninized.


Active Member
im thinkin i did a mighty fine job transplanting cuz it has shown no effects at all 2 them so tomorrow im gonna go ahead and top 2 of them and then wait a week and top the other 2 ( i have 4 total) i dont have much room 2 tie down since growin in closet plus im tryin 2 get more yeild so isnt topin the right thing to do? ive read a shit ton of different ways to grow this bein my first time indoors so its jus gonna have 2 be a learnin exp for the next time 2 see when and what to do at what time...appreciate the advice