How long till it smellz?


Well-Known Member
I'm on 24/0 right now and at about 3.5 weeks from planting (indoor), and I swear I think it might be beginning to smell. It smells kind of minty up close and did for the past 3-4 days I think, and my other empty soil-filled pot does NOT smell that way, and also now I think I smelled it more when I opened the doors today. I swear. Maybe I'm just paranoid?

I have yet to build my carbon exhaust, but I plan to (soon) and am just wondering how much more time I have.

I plan to go 12/12 at 5 weeks (maturity) because I want to shrink my lifecycle. I want to get bud faster because this is just bag seed and I want to get a good, solid grow under my belt before I spend time with my expensive club seeds.. :)


Well-Known Member
good question i would like to know this too, my ladies have been 2 weeks under 18/6 cfls and upclose they smell like yummy goodness


Active Member
I have no idea as to why they smell but they definitely do to some extent. I was vegging two plants under my headboard for 3 to 4 weeks and they definitely had a smell to them. In fact I got the impression that the smell coincided with the light schedule. I felt like I they wafted smell at me right before the lights turned on in the morning. If I rubbed the stem I also got that minty leafy smell.


Well-Known Member
Some plant strains will naturally smell more than others, even in vegetative mode some can absolutely reek, the bigger they get the more they stink! Wait til its a few weeks into flowering, thats when the whole house gets stinkin


Junior Creatologist
that shits kinda wierd how it works. i got Blue Cheese, Northern soul, Whiteberry and Twilight in my tent. The Cheese and Soul both have Skunk #1 in their lineage somewhere man. Around week 3 my plants started to straight up SSSSSSTANK!, n it was hard to keep the smell contained, even with my carbon filter - by the way i was using a growbright Jr filter, and it basically didnt work for shit. I dont think they filled it up all the way with carbon.

Anyways, im 3 weeks into flower now, and while they stink still, they dont smell as bad right now as they did right before i threw them into flower, right up until about 4-5 days ago. The ladies are 4' from the ground up, and the leaves are HUGE. when i rub them i can smell them REALLY bad, along with the stem too, n the smells are all really distinct and potent as shit, but unrubbed, the smell has kinda died off. Now i got buds forming on the plants, and still, nothin really reeks until i rub a leaf, or pinch a bud top. Are you sayin that once in full blast flower theyre gonna stink even more than they did while they were in veg??? Im returnin the filter i got n claimin faulty, n pickin up one of those Canfilters that just stand up on the floor. Them things are fuckin gnarly man. i got that little growbright Jr still, its like 9 inches long, 6" in diameter, n i got a 480cfm fan suckin air out of the room through the filter, and then through my light and out the exhaust.

I actually just thought of somethin. Do you think that the reason the filter isnt workin is because my fan is too strong, and suckin air through the filter too fast - n as a result the air isnt given enough time to get scrubbed through the filter - before it comes out of the exhaust ducting? Is that possible or what, cuz if so im snaggin a dimmer knob tomorrow :D


Well-Known Member
With a scrubber and proper ventilation you shouldn't have a problem with it smelling up the whole house, just the immediate area.


Junior Creatologist
well, thats part of the problem. I have the tent in my closet, but because its winter and i live in a complex, i cant set up an exhaust to the outside in the room im doin it in. So the exhaust basically just blows out into the room that the closet is in, n then i have a small window fan sucking air out of the room, but i cant run it all the time, cuz shit gets too damn cold in the room. Everything actually smells the most at night, when everything is still in my apartment. When i wake up every morning i got ganja in my nose man, n even tho i wake up with a smile, it still kinda worries me that its THAT pungent. You can only smell it REAL bad in the room that the tent is in, but theres a tinge of chronic throughout the house - at least there was, til we started burning nag champa and liquid blue incense man. that shit works. I would rather have people complain that my house smells like a headshop as opposed to a freakin growop, lol :D