How MANY CFL's do I need??


Well-Known Member
Or, you could just leave my thread. That sounds like the best plan
Shit this thread will turn into a ghost town real quick with that kind of attitude, the best plan indeed... GL lol!

just about to start my first indoor grow, and just wondering how MANY of these do i need? all help appreciated
Hey would you mind telling us how we can help you, your first post... now how in the fuck are we going to help ya with no INFORMATION on your grow? It took the 5th post to find out how many plants... such a lack of a thought process! Do you have a brain? 4 pages an yet not one picture... scared you are huh? I counted like 10 references to your thread question in 4 pages, I guess you can not elaborate on your own an want someone to plan your whole grow.... an possibly grow it for you also.

Search function requires Rocket Science Degree !

7 P's - Prior Planning and Preparation Prevents Piss Poor Performance
Learn It, Live It, Love It !!! :weed:


Well-Known Member
Shit this thread will turn into a ghost town real quick with that kind of attitude, the best plan indeed... GL lol!

Hey would you mind telling us how we can help you, your first post... now how in the fuck are we going to help ya with no INFORMATION on your grow? It took the 5th post to find out how many plants... such a lack of a thought process! Do you have a brain? 4 pages an yet not one picture... scared you are huh? I counted like 10 references to your thread question in 4 pages, I guess you can not elaborate on your own an want someone to plan your whole grow.... an possibly grow it for you also.

Search function requires Rocket Science Degree !

7 P's - Prior Planning and Preparation Prevents Piss Poor Performance
Learn It, Live It, Love It !!! :weed:

LOL somewhat. To be quite honest I know VERY LITTLE about indoor growing as most of mine I have done outside, to realize that moving inside means ALOT more money spent and ALOT more preparation required. I'm not even sure on the location of the grow yet which would be the reason for the uncertainty. I went out and bought a bunch of random lights and I was kind of hoping someone would be able to tell me how many plants these would be able to grow. The closet I'm considering growing in is an A/C closet and the available room is shaped more of like an "L". the base being about 3' tall. I JUST received my Germination Kit and SoilTabs from Nirvana and have begun germinating my Master Kush and Maui Waui (feminized) seeds. If its NOT possible to grow these plants all the way through flower, than I will most likely move them outdoors to a guerilla grow. At this point I would be happy with 2 plants in this closet and I really just don't know how to do it. Like I said earlier, I don't even know where to get the actual FIXTURES for the bulbs and no one has still given me an answer to that. Like I said earlier I don't know much about growing indoors and am just trying to take in as much information as possible. For one, don't assume that I have made no attempt what so ever in gaining knowledge, because when you assume, you make an ASS out of U and ME.



Well-Known Member
For one, don't assume that I have made no attempt what so ever in gaining knowledge, because when you assume, you make an ASS out of U and ME.

If you gained indoor-growing knowledge, then there is a extreme lack of evidence in this thread hence the assumptions...

Like I said earlier, I don't even know where to get the actual FIXTURES for the bulbs and no one has still given me an answer to that. Like I said earlier I don't know much about growing indoors and am just trying to take in as much information as possible.
Fixtures? really can you not improvise... or at least try an copy the ideas of the countless others ideas? Have you never walked into a hardware store with the intention of finding all the weird possible things you could come up with for A grow? I did an advanced search criteria: CFL Light fixture, wait... I only searched the titles. Guess how many threads where found, this one included? 100, now I am sure the majority of people could have found some form of helpful info. Do you need to know where to buy things like Polarized adapters, Y-splitters, power-strips, vanity light fixtures just to name a few. Are you electrically inclined enough to safely wire together your own electrical light set-up?

To me the only difference between indoor/outdoor grows is the location of said plants. Is there anything cannabis plants require that can not be provided for it through either style of grow? The only real concern that one should have is if they can replicate the light needed... lots of references so far in this thread as to that possible replication!


Well-Known Member
Ok i will be blunt. You need about 150w of cfl per plant to flower a plant effectively. Good growers can use less. Your lights that you are using look like they belong in a gay disco. Dont know where you got them but they will do for now. I use about 300w actual (and stop talking in equiv wattage as its meaningless) for 2 plants and the buds are decent.


Well-Known Member
Ok i will be blunt. You need about 150w of cfl per plant to flower a plant effectively. Good growers can use less. Your lights that you are using look like they belong in a gay disco. Dont know where you got them but they will do for now. I use about 300w actual (and stop talking in equiv wattage as its meaningless) for 2 plants and the buds are decent.

yeah i bought the lamp for 20 bucks at home depot. i just got 2 tube cfl lights 20w each so i guess well see how that does. oh and i swapped one of the existing out for a 23w


Active Member
$20 for one of thoes lamps? o_O I just when to Canadian Tire and bought light sockets, 120v plugs, berets and electrical tape. Doesn't look pretty but its done the safe way and it also lets you be able to mount them sideways so that the bigger CFLs cover more area