How many of you are going to bitch about Obama care after 2016?

with out extra insurance I would be dead if I lived in canada! In the US, even without insurance, I can walk into a hospital and be seen the same day! sure they will send me a bill but atleast I don't have to wait 1-3 years to see a doctor!
No canada has not removed them! If you fail to see that, you are more ignorant than I originally thought!

Canada is in the midst of a medical access crisis. With over 815,000 people on a wait list for diagnosis and medical treatment, our health system has canadians without supplemental health insurance waiting up to a year to see a specialist, get an MRI or CT scan and to get surgery. Waiting for medical care is well known to cause stress, loss of income and physical deconditioning. However, for those who do get prompt medical attention (within 21 days), studies have shown that the recovery rate is up to 75% faster.

This insurance is for private practices. People can opt to purchase it if they want, but everyone has access to health care with no out of pocket expenses. You're quoting a site trying to peddle supplemental insurance ..... of course they are going to make it sound doom and gloom trying to sell you THEIR PRODUCT!

Here;s the bottom line. I lived in Canada for 20+ years, and have lived in America for almost as long. I have very good health insurance here through my company, and yet I am still claiming that the Canadian system is better. Why on earth would I advocate something for myself, my wife, and my kids if I felt it was inferior?

You on the other hand are only basing your *opinion* on stories you have heard, and a couple frantic google searches. Have you ever been to a Canadian hospital and dealt with the system there? If not, you're talking out of your ass.
with out extra insurance I would be dead if I lived in canada! In the US, even without insurance, I can walk into a hospital and be seen the same day! sure they will send me a bill but atleast I don't have to wait 1-3 years to see a doctor!

LMAO! You've jumped the shark dude!

I'm out ....

How so?

Where Canada does not do well is on wait times, which tend to be longer than in other countries, especially to see specialists or obtain an elective surgery. A Commonwealth Fund survey in 2010 found that 59 percent of respondents reported waiting more than four weeks for an appointment with a specialist, more than double the number in the United States:

A 2007 poll conducted by Queens University in Kingston, Ont. found that, while public opinion had ticked up slightly, “a large majority of Canadians still believe that the system is unsustainable and urgently in need of substantive change.”
LMAO! You've jumped the shark dude!

I'm out ....

I didn't even know I was sick until one day I started shitting and vomiting blood, I was in to see the doctor (a specialist) the next day. My intestines had split, blood was getting in and bacteria was getting out into my system, If I would have waited another 24 hours I would have been dead!!! You don't get to see a specialist that fast there! Plain and simple I would have made the appointment, went home and died waiting to see the doctor!
I didn't even know I was sick until one day I started shitting and vomiting blood, I was in to see the doctor (a specialist) the next day. My intestines had split, blood was getting in and bacteria was getting out into my system, If I would have waited another 24 hours I would have been dead!!! You don't get to see a specialist that fast there! Plain and simple I would have made the appointment, went home and died waiting to see the doctor!

theres a huge difference between emergency care and non emergency care

your case would have been emergency care and you would have been treated immediately
This insurance is for private practices. People can opt to purchase it if they want, but everyone has access to health care with no out of pocket expenses. You're quoting a site trying to peddle supplemental insurance ..... of course they are going to make it sound doom and gloom trying to sell you THEIR PRODUCT!

If the system is so good, why is there private practice and extra insurance? because their system is also flawed! If the free system works why the hell would people still pay for insurance???

theres a huge difference between emergency care and non emergency care

your case would have been emergency care and you would have been treated immediately

They would not have know my case was an emergency until it was too late! I didn't even know I was that sick, I was even luck here in the US! Lucky my doctor had an opening the next day! I made an appointment with a specialist because of blood in my stool. Call any GI doctor here in the us and see if they call it an emergency or give you an appointment for a few days to over a week out!
They would not have know my case was an emergency until it was too late! I didn't even know I was that sick, I was even luck here in the US! Lucky my doctor had an opening the next day! I made an appointment with a specialist because of blood in my stool. Call any GI doctor here in the us and see if they call it an emergency or give you an appointment for a few days to over a week out!

"I started shitting and vomiting blood,"

yeah the above symptoms is enough for your care to be treated as emergency
If the system is so good, why is there private practice and extra insurance? because their system is also flawed!

I was wondering the same. Universal healthcare won't do much good if the difficult, expensive procedures are informally rationed by making them un-or underavailable. cn
with out extra insurance I would be dead if I lived in canada! In the US, even without insurance, I can walk into a hospital and be seen the same day! sure they will send me a bill but atleast I don't have to wait 1-3 years to see a doctor!

Curiosity question. If I call the ambulance with a complaint of heart pain, then come to in hospital 3 days later with my chest newly plowed ... what'll my bill be? Uninsured here.

I am disinclined to make the call at this time. cn
"I started shitting and vomiting blood,"

yeah the above symptoms is enough for your care to be treated as emergency

By some, not by all! I didn't think it was an emergency! That is why I called a specialist instead of going to the ER! People shit and vomit blood all the time with out the risk of losing their life in 24 hours or less!
Curiosity question. If I call the ambulance with a complaint of heart pain, then come to in hospital 3 days later with my chest newly plowed ... what'll my bill be? Uninsured here.

I am disinclined to make the call at this time. cn

Ohhh. it will be a big bill! I usually cost about 100k+ per week stay in the hospital, plus another 100k to the doctor for saving my life. probably about 200k or more! Is your life worth more than bad credit though?
By some, not by all! I didn't think it was an emergency! That is why I called a specialist instead of going to the ER! People shit and vomit blood all the time with out the risk of losing their life in 24 hours or less!
vomiting or shitting blood is enough for your care to be classed as emergency and get immediate treatment

your own stupidity would have been the cause of your death not the treatment in canada
vomiting or shitting blood is enough for your care to be classed as emergency and get immediate treatment

your own stupidity would have been the cause of your death not the treatment in canada

It would be the health care system that had taught me that it's not a big deal and to just wait to see the doctors. 99% of cases involving vomiting and shitting blood are not life threatening with in 24 hours, and would be treated as such! I asked for the soonest appointment, they were going to schedule me 3 day out! It would not be my ignorance I called the doctor with my first symptoms.
infact i'll take it one further than that this "specialist" of yours upon hearing symptoms on phone should have advised you to goto hospital immediately rather than waiting for a day for you to goto his practice to earn him a penny or 2
I was wondering the same. Universal healthcare won't do much good if the difficult, expensive procedures are informally rationed by making them un-or underavailable. cn

In some provinces the wait times are lengthy for certain procedures. People can opt to buy supplemental insurance and skip the lines. Things are prioritized, though, and nobody is dying waiting for heart surgery.

Canadians have a longer life expectancy than Americans. I know I can't base my argument strictly on that fact alone, but if the health care system were so bad, and people were keeling over while waiting years for life saving surgeries, then I can't imagine life expectancies would be what they are.

You also have to consider that here in America you eliminate roughly 50 million people from the "lines" because they can't afford health care. I guess the trade off is covering everyone, and having people *possibly* wait a little longer for their MRI on their knee in Canada, or only treating people that can afford it here in America.

Personally, I think it's embarrassing in a country as wealthy as America is to deny people basic health care because they don't have the money. 45,000 people die each year in America due to no health coverage.

No system is perfect, but I feel the system here is flawed beyond all others.