How many of you are going to bitch about Obama care after 2016?

I am on medicare with additional insurance through my wife. I am very happy with my coverage and the care I receive! I also believe it is worth every penny!

You do realize that you are on government healthcare, right?

Do you also realize that this is essentially what a single payer system is? Government healthcare for all.
My kids are not yet college age. If they were beyond it I would not feel obligated. I have guilt issues from having lost a career and a marriage (and family) to unchecked clinical depression. cn

Sorry to hear that! IMO, Your kids not being of college age should be even more of a reason to take care of your health! There are other ways of going to college, there are not ways to replace a father!
You do realize that you are on government healthcare, right?

Do you also realize that this is essentially what a single payer system is? Government healthcare for all.

I pay for extra insurance because MY government insurance is not enough and under obama care it still wont be enough, just like canada. Even if you believe the Canadian health care system is better than that of the U.S., I don't believe in changing one flawed system to another with known flaws!
I pay for extra insurance because MY government insurance is not enough!

LOL!! So you are doing EXACTLY what you would be doing in Canada, except it would cost half as much!

The added bonus is that EVERY single one of your fellow countrymen would also have access to healthcare, with no out of pocket expenses!
LOL!! So you are doing EXACTLY what you would be doing in Canada, except it would cost half as much!

The added bonus is that EVERY single one of your fellow countrymen would also have access to healthcare, with no out of pocket expenses!

Not as easy as you try to make it sound! Who pays for it if no one is paying out of pocket anymore??? I would still pay for it in taxes, doctors would take huge pay cuts and the health care system will need another overhaul. just like canada!

Obama care would cost me more!!! You don't see this because you don't go to the doctors on a regular basis!
Obamacare Raises Income Taxes on Middle Class Families with High Medical Bills
Quoted from a liberal source!
In July 2012, The Huffington Post was ranked #1 on the 15 Most Popular Political Sites list by eBizMBA Rank which bases its list on each site's Alexa Global Traffic Rank and U.S. Traffic Rank from both Compete and Quantcast.

That is me! middle class family with high medical bills!
Or doctors charge you out of pocket, quit accepting medicare patients or just quit practicing all together.
Physicians say they simply won’t practice under Obamacare rules that strip away much of their autonomy, drown them in bureaucracy, and leave them even more exposed to lawsuits.

In Iowa, Obamacare to Cause 34% of Doctors to Stop Accepting Medicare Patients

So you either pay for good health care or you get the doctors that dont give a shit, that barely passed school or you get a nurse practitioner not a real doctor and you don't get better. Obama care seems like it will turn the health care system into a bunch of free clinics. Where do you think all the extra doctors are going to come from when millions more have insurance and millions of doctors quit? Obama promised you will be able to see the same doctor. How if they quit taking medicare patients or just quit all together. My surgeon DR. Gordon Klatt will retire. That means I would have to put my life in some new guys hands, some one that doesn't give a shit. My surgeon is the founder of relay for life, You don't get to see those kinds of doctors under obama care.

"OH the DOCTORS WILL ALL LEAVE" is another scare tactic. Doctors will be paid commenserately to their proficiency regardless and they are not required to be involved in the government system. Many doctors become doctors not for the money (and do you really want a doctor treating you who has no real interest in patients but only their wallets anyway?), but because they genuinely like helping people. This is a common misunderstanding of the right, who see all motivation as monitary curiously, they are the same ones who claim that all social needs can be met through charity.

There will be enough doctors and should that not be the case there are plenty of government incentives that can be made available. Simply aleviating the burden of educatonal debt and insurance costs can be easily altered.
There will be enough doctors and should that not be the case there are plenty of government incentives that can be made available. Simply aleviating the burden of educatonal debt and insurance costs can be easily altered.

Who pays for these government incentives??? Tax payers! You think harvard or yale or any of the other good colleges for doctors and nurses are just going to lower rates??? Maybe they will let them go to school for 7 plus years for free??? average debt after medical school 150,000 - 200,000! Now this alone would not be incentive enough to supply enough good doctors! Why would I go to school for 7 years or more to make as much or less than someone that spent almost half the time! Doctors will still get paid, people will still pay for it! there are huge flaws with obamacare.
"OH the DOCTORS WILL ALL LEAVE" is another scare tactic. Doctors will be paid commenserately to their proficiency regardless and they are not required to be involved in the government system. Many doctors become doctors not for the money (and do you really want a doctor treating you who has no real interest in patients but only their wallets anyway?), but because they genuinely like helping people. This is a common misunderstanding of the right, who see all motivation as monitary curiously, they are the same ones who claim that all social needs can be met through charity.

There will be enough doctors and should that not be the case there are plenty of government incentives that can be made available. Simply aleviating the burden of educatonal debt and insurance costs can be easily altered.

Yes, doctors leave the government system. That means my health care cost go up and or the quality of my service goes down, Obamas promise that I can keep seeing my same doctor is broken! My doctors don't do it just for the money, but yes money is a big motivating factor behind becoming a doctor. Most doctors deserve every penny they earn plus more! Mine has saved my life many times and has saved the lives of thousands of other people. My doctor is the founder of Relay for Life! He deserves to have anything, This guy should have more money than bill gates!
Man, I NEVER reply to political discussions, but I have to chime in here.

Let me tell you what Obamacare has done for me as of this date:

It has cost me 12 hours a week at work. End of list.

Unfortunately for me, when I lost my job due to a company wide layoff, I had to do whatever was necessary to take care of my wife and now 5 yr old Autistic son. So I took a menial job, rather than relocate and take my son out of the school where he is thriving. All was just barely ok, and we were making it, until a memo came down from the franchise stating that specifically due to Obamacare, all workers were being cut back from 40 hours a week to 28 hours a week. Seems that over 30 hours a week, they would have to pay benefits. So we were cut.

That was last September.

So, let's see....I still have no benefits for myself or my wife AND I lost 12 hours a week in pay.

Fuck 2016. Fuck 2015. I have no money or benefits NOW.

ps...ironically, I'm a moderate with liberal leanings. So please don't bash my dislike of Obama. Or any higher level politician. People who think the powers that be actually care about the individual should perhaps re-educate themselves.

pps...I respect your opinion, even if I disagree, and I would fight for your right to express it. Carry on :)
It is too bad they put more profits over workers. Isn't it?
I am an avionics technician by trade. The job I lost was with an aircraft MRO. The current job is a bullshit minimum wage job. Big company, small franchise. Minimum wage.

Nothing like going from $18/hr to $7.30/hr. And you know what, I'm not complaining publicly about my wage or job, I would scrub toilets to take care of my family.

I just wanted to express my opinion on Obamacare since some of the posts seem so hostile towards people like me. And I have legitimate issue with the bill. Which other poster has it personally affected? It is so easy to make snap judgments when you are an outside observer, but I have found that those same individuals typically alter their tune when the shit hits close to home.

Again, everyone has a right to an opinion. They just carry more weight with me when folks are thoughtful as well as erudite.

Oh.....and this thread makes me want a fucking doobie lmao.
You are complaining about your job publicly.
It is too bad they put more profits over workers. Isn't it?
It really is! But this is the kind of shit that most people don't see! how has obama care helped him at all? Yes it is partially due to the greed of the company but that is how shit works and is a problem that should have been taken into consideration when writing the laws.
Most don't pay at all. They just go to an emergency room where they are required by law to treat them, whether they pay or not.

Daughter was/is E Room RN... She said, "until recently, you could call and get a ride on an ambulance into the ER, to get a pregency test" ... so...maybe it's getting better...
Daughter was/is E Room RN... She said, "until recently, you could call and get a ride on an ambulance into the ER, to get a pregency test" ... so...maybe it's getting better...

Are we to really believe people are dialing 911 and requesting ambulances for the purpose to take them to the hospital for a pregnancy test, and these people are not having charges filed for misuse of emergency services and are actually having an ambulance sent out?
Are we to really believe people are dialing 911 and requesting ambulances for the purpose to take them to the hospital for a pregnancy test, and these people are not having charges filed for misuse of emergency services and are actually having an ambulance sent out?

Not as easy as you try to make it sound! Who pays for it if no one is paying out of pocket anymore??? I would still pay for it in taxes, doctors would take huge pay cuts and the health care system will need another overhaul. just like canada!

Obama care would cost me more!!! You don't see this because you don't go to the doctors on a regular basis!
Obamacare Raises Income Taxes on Middle Class Families with High Medical Bills
Quoted from a liberal source!
In July 2012, The Huffington Post was ranked #1 on the 15 Most Popular Political Sites list by eBizMBA Rank which bases its list on each site's Alexa Global Traffic Rank and U.S. Traffic Rank from both Compete and Quantcast.

That is me! middle class family with high medical bills!

Liberal Source?
That article in the link you provided was written by Grover Norquist. It makes me wonder if your colostomy bag deteriorates your brain

Grover Norquist

President, Americans for Tax Reform

GET UPDATES FROM Grover Norquist

Obamacare Raises Income Taxes on Middle Class Families with High Medical Bills